| Name | Type | Description | Topics |
| "Review of Alternatives to Incarceration Efforts Worldwide," a Diplomacy Lab Project | Website | This past Spring, graduate students from John Jay College of Criminal Justice completed a semester-long research assignment in partnership with the Department of State’s Diplomacy... | Case Study, Evaluation, Research |
| 15 Key Buprenorphine Dosing Recommendations for Jail-Based Treatment Programs | Poster | Corrections staff cite diversion of medication for opioid use disorder (MOUD) (e.g., buprenorphine) as a reason for not offering treatment with these medications in jails... | Evidence-Based Practices, Program Implementation, Research, Treatment |
| A Guide to SAMHSA's Strategic Prevention Framework | Reports | | Prevention |
| A neuromarker for drug and food craving distinguishes drug users from non-users | Journal Article | Across three functional magnetic resonance imaging studies (n = 99), we used machine learning to identify a cross-validated neuromarker that predicts self-reported intensity of cue-induced drug and... | Research |
| A Perspective on Psychedelics as Treatments for Addictions | Journal Article | This article talks about the usage of psychedelics as treatments. It speaks on the benefits and the downsides for patients who use it and their... | Treatment |
| A qualitative study of experiences with physical activity among people receiving opioid agonist therapy | Journal Article | Authors: Einar Furulund, Siv-Elin Leirvåg Carlsen, Karl Trygve Druckrey-Fiskaaen, Tesfaye Madebo, Lars T Fadnes & Torgeir Gilje Lid This study examines the use of exercise interventions to improve the health and well-being... | Research, Treatment |
| A retrospective cohort study to assess the dropout rates and its predictors in Ho Chi Minh City’s methadone maintenance program using a stringent criterion | Journal Article | Heroin use is a significant health and social issue in Vietnam. Although there was a substantial increase in the proportion of users of newer opioids... | Case Study, Research |
| A roadblock to life-saving addiction treatment is gone. Now what? | Other | | Advocacy / Policy |
| A systematic review of substance use among patients in methadone treatment in Vietnam | Webinar | Hoang Huyen Tram, Ph.D., and Nguyen Bich Diep, MD, Ph.D., present an overview of substance abuse patients receiving methadone services across Vietnam. | Evidence-Based Practices, Research |
| A systematic review of the use of the Consolidated Framework for Implementation Research(CFIR) | Journal Article | Authors: M. Alexis Kirk, Caitlin Kelley, Nicholas Yankey, Sarah A. Birken, Brenton Abadie and Laura Damschrode CFIR is one of the most widely used theoretical... | Evidence-Based Practices, Program Implementation |
| Academic Programs in Drug Treatment and Prevention at Paraguayan Universities | Video | This video is a recording of a webinar on January 31, 2020 where presenters Diana Lesme Romero, Ph.D., Maria Cecilia Munoz Perez, MSc. and Graciela... | Case Study, Prevention, Program Implementation, Treatment |
| Academic Programs on Addiction Studies in the Philippines | Presentation Slides | Academic programs on addiction studies in Philippines | Program Implementation |
| Access to Drug Treatment Services in Nigeria: The Challenge of Addiction Workforce | Video | Recording of Dr. Chia Francis' webinar. | Case Study, Program Implementation |
| Adaptación e implementación remota de una intervención de prevención familiar | Video | Adaptación e implementación remota de una intervención de prevención familiar: Conexión familiar de Lions Quest en respuesta a la pandemia Fernando Salazar, PhD, Profesor Principal,... | Program Implementation |
| Adaptation of the Tele-Harm Reduction intervention to promote initiation and retention in buprenorphine treatment among people who inject drugs: a retrospective cohort study | Journal Article | At the start of the pandemic, relaxation of buprenorphine prescribing regulations created an opportunity to create new models of medications for opioid use disorder (MOUD)... | Research, Treatment |
| Addiction Study Internship Place | Presentation Slides | Intership opportunity in Thailand | Case Study, Program Implementation |
| Addiktologie Special Edition | Journal Article | This special edition of the journal Addiktologie has articles on program development from multiple countries. | Case Study, Program Implementation |
| Addressing Burnout in the Behavioral Health Workforce through Organizational Strategies | Tools | Burnout is a complex issue resulting from chronic workplace stress that encompasses exhaustion, depersonalization, and reduced personal accomplishment. This guide will highlight organization-level interventions to... | Program Implementation, Research |
| Addressing Compassion Fatigue and Promoting Self Care Strategies for Substance Use Service Professionals | Other | Webinar Presented on Tuesday, December 8, 2020 by: Beth Rutkowski, MPH, UCLA Integrated Substance Abuse Programs/Pacific Southwest ATTC Nancy Roget, MS, UNR Center for the... | Treatment |
| Addressing Motivation for Change: Intro to Motivational Interviewing | Presentation Slides | Master class training including the essential tools of MI, MET | Treatment |
| Addressing Substance Use and Social Needs of People of Color with Substance Use Disorders | Pamphlet or Fact Sheet | Authors: Eva H. Allen, Lisa Clemans-Cope, Kimá Joy Taylor, and Christal Ramos, | Treatment |
| ADHD Medications and Addiction | Webinar | Betsy Byler, MA, LPC-SAS, ICS, LPCC, presents on different types of ADHD, treatments, causes, non-medical use of ADHD medication, and much more. | Research, Treatment |
| Adolescent and adult time trends in US hallucinogen use, 2002–19: any use, and use of ecstasy, LSD and PCP | Journal Article | Hallucinogen use is potentially harmful. Information on whether such use has increased in recent decades is lacking. This study assessed overall and age-specific time trends... | Research |
| Adolescent Brain Cognitive Development (ABCD) | Other | Adolescent Brain Cognitive Development (ABCD) Gaya J. Dowling, Ph.D. Director, ABCD Project Division of Extramural Research, NIDA | Research |
| Adolescent SBIRT Learner's Guide | Tools | The Adolescent SBIRT Learner’s Guide is a 300+ page comprehensive manual for educators and trainers, practitioners, and students to learn to conduct Screening, Brief Intervention and Referral... | Evidence-Based Practices, Program Implementation, Treatment |
| Adolescent Substance Use Outcomes in Response to Social Consequences of Use: The Role of Empathy | Journal Article | | |
| Advances in animal models of prenatal opioid exposure | Journal Article | Authors: Julia R. Ferrante and Julie A. Blendy This article discusses advancements in animal models for prenatal opioid exposure. Specifically, using various opioid types and different... | Research |
| Advancing Equity in Substance Use Disorder (SUD) Treatment | Other | This document addresses the significant health disparities in substance use disorder (SUD) among racially, ethnically, and historically marginalized populations, including AI/AN, Black, Hispanic/Latino, and LGBTQI+... | Evidence-Based Practices, Research, Treatment |
| Adverse Childhood Experiences Are Associated With History of Overdose Among Patients Presenting for Outpatient Addiction Care | Journal Article | Adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) are associated with mental health issues and substance use. Having a substance use disorder increases the risk of overdose (OD). Research on ACEs... | Research, Treatment |
| Advisory: Cannabidiol (CBD) – Potential Harms, Side Effects, and Unknowns | Pamphlet or Fact Sheet | This advisory introduces readers to cannabidiol (CBD), how it is derived, and how it differs from delta-9 THC and other cannabinoids. The advisory focuses on... | Prevention, Research, Treatment |
| Advisory: Expanding Implementation of Mental Health Awareness Training in the Workplace | Tools | The Mental Health Awareness Training (MHAT) advisory will promote the implementation of MHATs by targeting the workplace more broadly, from traditional settings to places in... | Program Implementation |
| Alcohol and Substance Use Prevention in Africa: Systematic Scoping Review | Poster | Alcohol and Substance Use Prevention in Africa: Systematic Scoping Review | Research |
| Alcohol Misuse and Gun Violence: An Evidence-based Approach to State Policy | Reports | Co-authored with the Johns Hopkins Center for Gun Violence Solutions, this report offers a set of state-based policy recommendations to address the intersection of alcohol... | Advocacy / Policy, Evidence-Based Practices, Prevention |
| Alcohol Packaging As a Promotional Tool: A Focus Group Study With Young Adult Drinkers in Scotland | Journal Article | Authors: DANIEL JONES, m.sc, CRAWFORD MOODIE, ph.d, RICHARD I. PURVES, ph.d, NIAMH FITZGERALD, ph.d, & RACHEL CROCKETT, ph.d Little research has been conducted on consumer perceptions... | Research |
| Alcohol policy changes during the first three-months of the COVID-19 pandemic: Development and application of a classification scheme | Journal Article | Author: Sebastián Peña, Claire Wilkinson, Giovanni Aresi, Liz Barrett, Sadie Boniface, Niamh Fitzgerald, Pablo Norambuena, Catherine Paradis, Francisca Román, Paula Sierralta This article examines alcohol-related policy decisions made during the first three months of the... | Advocacy / Policy, Prevention, Research, Treatment |
| Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test | Tools | The AUDIT is designed as a self-screening tool for alcohol consumption and identify any implications for the person’s health and well-being, now and in the... | |
| Alternatives to Conviction or Punishment Available for People Who Use Drugs and with Drug Use Disorders in Contact with the Criminal Justice System | Other | Report produced with African Union and UNODC | Advocacy / Policy, Prevention |
| An emergency-department-initiated outreach program for patients with opioid use disorder is associated with an increase in agonist therapy and engagement in addictions care: a one-year cohort study | Journal Article | This article evaluates an emergency department community outreach program's impact on engagement with care among OUD patients. | Evaluation, Research, Treatment |
| An inhibitory brainstem input to dopamine neurons encodes nicotine aversion | Journal Article | Nicotine stimulates the dopamine (DA) system, which is essential for its rewarding effect. Nicotine is also aversive at high doses; yet, our knowledge about nicotine’s... | Research |
| Analysis of factors influencing substance use craving among Chinese substance users | Journal Article | | Research |
| Anderson, 2014 Engaging with Massive Online Courses | Journal Article | Abstract: The Web has enabled one of the most visible recent developments in education—the deployment of massive open online courses. With their global reach and often... | Program Implementation, Research |
| Angelino, 2007 Strategies to Engage Online Students and Reduce Attrition Rates | Journal Article | Abstract: Attrition continues to be a major issue in higher education. Attrition rates for classes taught through distance education are 10 – 20% higher than classes... | Program Implementation, Research |
| Anti-Discrimination Policies Reduce Binge Drinking for LGBTQ Youth | Other | | Research |
| Are we doing what is necessary to prevent and reduce alcohol consumption? | Journal Article | This study reviews recent literature and discusses trends in alcohol consumption in Mexico, especially during the Covid-19 pandemic. It then discusses what is being done... | Prevention |
| As overdoses soar in rural America, more clinicians are prescribing addiction medications | Other | | |
| ASAM COVID-19 Resources | Website | This website has resources such as guidance for continuing to care for people with substance use disorders during the pandemic. | Program Implementation, Treatment |
| Assembly Prevention: Mobilizing Schools | Webinar | Rocky Herron presents drug usage in schools, who it affects most, the most commonly found drugs, and prevention tactics. | Prevention |
| Association between buprenorphine dose and outcomes among pregnant persons with opioid use disorder | Journal Article | This study examines the relationship between buprenorphine dosing during pregnancy and maternal and neonatal outcomes among Medicaid-enrolled pregnant individuals with opioid use disorder (OUD). Although... | Research, Treatment |
| Association Between Buprenorphine Treatment Gaps, Opioid Overdose, and Health Care Spending in US Medicare Beneficiaries With Opioid Use Disorder | Journal Article | In this case-control study of 34?505 Medicare beneficiaries, patients had greater risk of experiencing an opioid overdose and had higher health care expenditures in buprenorphine... | Research, Treatment |
| Association between clinical measures of unhealthy alcohol use and subsequent year hospital admissions in a primary care population | Journal Article | Screening for unhealthy alcohol use in primary care may help identify patients at risk for negative health outcomes. This study examined the associations between 1)... | Research, Treatment |
| Association Between Parental Supply of Alcohol and Later Adolescent Alcohol Use in a Highly Permissive Context | Journal Article | Authors: ALBERT J. KSINAN, PH.D., GABRIELA KSINAN JISKROVA, PH.D., ELIŠKA HREŽOVÁ, M.S., LENKA ANDRÝSKOVÁ, PH.D., HYNEK PIKHART, PH.D., & MARTIN BOBÁK, PH.D. Many children and adolescents... | Research |
| Association of Cannabis Use With Cardiovascular Outcomes Among US Adults | Journal Article | Authors: Abra M. Jeffers, PhD https://orcid.org/0000-0002-3503-6666 amjeffers@mgh.harvard.edu, Stanton Glantz, PhD https://orcid.org/0000-0003-4620-6672, Amy L. Byers, PhD, MPH, and Salomeh Keyhani, MD, MPH This article looks at the relationship between cannabis use and cardiovascular outcomes among never-smokers, youth, and the general population... | Prevention, Research |
| Association of Fatal Overdose Notification Letters With Prescription of Benzodiazepines Secondary Analysis of a Randomized Clinical Trial | Journal Article | In a randomized clinical trial (NCT02790476), Doctor et al1 studied the effect of notifying physicians of a patient’s fatal drug overdose within 12 months of a... | Research |
| Association of Pregnancy and Insurance Status With Treatment Access for Opioid Use Disorder | Journal Article | In this cross-sectional study with random assignment of clinicians and simulated-patient callers, callers representing pregnant women were less likely than callers representing nonpregnant women to... | Research, Treatment |
| Behavioral and neurocognitive factors distinguishing post-traumatic stress comorbidity in substance use disorders | Journal Article | Significant trauma histories and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) are common in persons with substance use disorders (SUD) and often associate with increased SUD severity and... | Research, Treatment |
| Behavioral Health Care Access Among Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual (LGB) Populations | Reports | The Behavioral Health Care Access Among Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual (LGB) Populations report highlights findings from the 2023 SAMHSA publication Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual Behavioral... | Prevention, Program Implementation, Research |
| Beyond the first try: How many quit attempts are necessary to achieve substance use cessation? | Journal Article | This study investigates the number of quit attempts required to achieve abstinence among individuals with substance use disorder (SUD). The findings may hold broader relevance... | Prevention, Research |
| Bibliometric Analysis of Alcohol and Substance Use Prevention Research in Africa | Journal Article | This study was designed to give a bibliometric overview of research productivity in alcohol and substance use prevention in Africa as a response to international... | Prevention, Research |
| Bibliometric analysis of alcohol and substance use prevention research in Africa | Poster | Bibliometric analysis of alcohol and substance use prevention research in Africa | Research |
| Blueprints for Healthy Youth Development | Website | Blueprints for Healthy Youth Development is a project within the Institute of Behavioral Science at the University of Colorado Boulder. The Blueprints mission is to provide a registry... | Advocacy / Policy, Evaluation, Prevention, Program Implementation, Research, Treatment |
| Building Compassion Fatigue Resilience: Awareness, Prevention, and Intervention for Pre-Professionals and Current Practitioners | Journal Article | Authors: Melissa L. Paiva-Salisbury, Kerry A. Schwanz Compassion fatigue (CF), or the extreme stress and burnout from helping others, is widely considered to be harmful to professional well-being. Due... | Program Implementation |
| Building Strength and Resilience during the COVID 19 Pandemic A Focus on Parents with Substance Use | Other | Hendree Jones, Professor UNC Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology and Executive Director UNC Horizons presents on work developed in summer 2020 regarding helping parents cope. | Treatment |
| Building Trauma Informed Treatment in Clinical Practice: A Curriculum for Addictions and Mental Health Students and Counselors | Presentation Slides | The effect of trauma in addiction, need to be trauma informed, curricula in use | Case Study, Treatment |
| Buprenorphine Dispensing Among Youth Aged =19 Years in the United States: 2015–2020 | Journal Article | Opioid related overdose among adolescents and young adults in the United States is rising. Medications for opioid use disorder (MOUD), including buprenorphine can reduce the... | Advocacy / Policy, Treatment |
| Buprenorphine may be safer than methadone for opioid use disorder in pregnancy | Other | | Research |
| Cannabidiol Compared to Pharmacological Treatment as Usual for Crack Use Disorder: A Feasibility, Preliminary Efficacy, Parallel, Double-Blind, Randomized Clinical Trial | Journal Article | Cannabidiol (CBD) has been studied for substance use disorders treatment due to its anxiolytic effects, for sleep, appetite, reduction of craving, and maintenance of abstinence.... | Treatment |
| Cannabis Policy Areas Most Likely to Impact Public Health | Pamphlet or Fact Sheet | This fact sheet gives an overview of the impact and effects of Cannabis on public health. | Research |
| Cannabis Policy Impacts Public Health and Health Equity | Journal Article | This policy brief gives an overview of health equity, when it comes to Cannabis distribution and usage. In addition, it outlines recommendations on how to... | Advocacy / Policy |
| Cannabis Policy Impacts Public Health and Health Equity | Journal Article | This article entails information regarding the lack of policy implementation of Cannabis usage and distribution. It speaks on the CDC's ideology of transforming the procedures... | Advocacy / Policy |
| Cannabis Policy Impacts Public Health and Health Equity | Other | This article/ book speaks about the importance of implementing strict policies on cannabis usage and the importance of regulating it. | Advocacy / Policy, Evaluation |
| Cannabis use and attenuated positive and negative symptoms in youth at clinical high risk for psychosis | Journal Article | Cannabis use is more prevalent among youth at clinical high-risk (CHR) for psychosis than healthy controls (HC). There is mixed evidence as to whether cannabis use... | Research |
| CBD and its Usage to Treat Anxiety in School-Age Children: What Parents Need To Know | Journal Article | Author: Paul Amminger, M.D., Ph.D. Writer: Kristina Willis The demanding and hectic nature of modern-day life contains a formidable amount of stress-inducing circumstances. As engaging,... | Prevention, Research, Treatment |
| CDC Clinical Practice Guideline for Prescribing Opioids for Pain | Website | This guideline provides recommendations for clinicians providing pain care, including those prescribing opioids, for outpatients aged ≥18 years. It updates the CDC Guideline for Prescribing... | Treatment |
| Center for Prevention Implementation Methodology | Website | This website has lots of information on implementation. It is focused on prevention of drug use and HIV, but since it is about implementing programs,... | Program Implementation |
| Changes in Traffic Crash Rates After Legalization of Marijuana: Results by Crash Severity | Journal Article | Authors:Charles M. Farmer , Ph.D., Samuel S. Monfort , Ph.D., & Amber N. Woods , Ph.D. The objective of this study was to estimate the effects of marijuana legalization and the subsequent onset of... | Evaluation, Research |
| Changing Minds About Overdose Prevention | Journal Article | Prevention sites are proven to reduce opioid overdose deaths. Psychologists’ research is identifying ways to increase public support for these lifesaving centers. | Evidence-Based Practices, Treatment |
| Changing the Way We View Opioid Receptors | Journal Article | Newly published research from a team of international scientists offers new insight on how opioid receptors work to regulate chemical communication in the brain, a... | Research |
| Childhood Trauma, Emotional Awareness, and Neural Correlates of Long-Term Nicotine Smoking | Journal Article | Authors:Annika Quam, BA; Kathryn Biernacki, PhD; Thomas J. Ross, PhD; Betty Jo Salmeron, MD; Amy C. Janes, PhD Temporal dynamic measures provide insight into the... | Research |
| Chronicle of Higher Education Advice Section: Are You Writing? | Website | This series of articles is helpful advice to get academic faculty and student to better focus on their writing with concrete and sensible advice. | Prevention, Research, Treatment |
| Clinical trials in Global Health | Website | This web version of the Lancet/Global Health has links to open access articles about difficulties in conducting global research. It also has articles that suggest... | Research |
| Clinician’s perceptions and experiences with tobacco treatment in people who use cannabis: a qualitative study | Other | This study explores clinicians’ perspectives regarding the delivery of tobacco cessation services to cannabis users, elucidating systemic barriers, intervention types, and organizational challenges. Conducted in... | Case Study, Research |
| Co-Creation in Community Based Prevention | Webinar | Dr. Ina Konning and Samuel Tomczyk present the importance of community-based prevention, development, and implementation. Dr. Ina Konning and Samuel Tomczyk also speak about the importance... | Evaluation |
| Co-occurrence of mental illness and substance use among US pregnant individuals, 2012-2021 | Journal Article | Authors: Zhong Li, Curisa M. Tucker, Cassie L. Odahowski, Kacey Y Eichelberger, Jiajia Zhang, Peiyin Hung This study looks at the rates of substance use among pregnant individuals with mental illness. | Research |
| Co-Occurring Disorders Lecture, Igor Koutsenok, MD - October 2020 | Video | | Treatment |
| Cognitive dysfunction in adolescents with substance use disorder | Journal Article | | |
| Collaboration Among Universities and Other Organizations in West Africa | Webinar | Watch the recording of this informative session offered by ICUDDR’s Africa Coordinating Center. With moderation by Dr. Rania Mamdouh, Professor Moses Audu and Dr. Olajumoke... | Case Study, Evidence-Based Practices, Program Implementation |
| Collaboration Among Universities and Other Organizations in West Africa | Webinar | Professor Moses Audu and Dr. Olajumoke Koyejo present the benefits, reasons, and challenges, of collaborating among universities (within partnerships and organizations) to increase the knowledge... | Advocacy / Policy |
| College Prescription Drug Study 2022: Key Findings | Reports | | Research |
| Combined Pharmacotherapy and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Adults With Alcohol or Substance Use Disorders A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis | Journal Article | The present study supports the efficacy of combined CBT and pharmacotherapy compared with usual care and pharmacotherapy. Cognitive behavioral therapy did not perform better than... | Evidence-Based Practices, Research, Treatment |
| Community Engagement: An Essential Component of an Effective and Equitable Substance Use Prevention System | Tools | Community engagement is often cited as a tool to improve the health of the community and its members. This guide will review evidence related to... | Program Implementation |
| Community pharmacy’s role in dispensing androgens and supporting harm reduction amid current policy dilemmas | Journal Article | The article looks at how community pharmacists in Australia handle dispensing androgens and supporting harm reduction, especially with recent policy changes. Through interviews with 15... | Advocacy / Policy, Prevention, Research, Treatment |
| Comorbidites in Drug Use Disorders | Journal Article | This Conference Room Paper was prepared by UNODC following the Note Verbale CU 2017/286/DO/DHB/PTRS on comorbidities in drug use disorders. | Research |
| Comparison of brain nicotine uptake from electronic cigarettes and combustible cigarettes | Journal Article | Brain accumulation rate and magnitude are critical for the acute reinforcing effects of nicotine. Despite electronic cigarettes’ (E-cigs) appeal as substitutes for traditional combustible cigarettes... | Research |
| Concordance between controlled substance receipt and post-mortem toxicology in opioid-detected overdose deaths: A statewide analysis | Journal Article | Opioid overdoses are a leading cause of preventable death in the United States. There is limited research linking decedents’ receipt of controlled substances and presence... | Advocacy / Policy, Prevention |
| Concordance between substance use self-report and hair analysis in community-based adolescents | Journal Article | | Research |
| Concurrent use of opioids and stimulants and risk of fatal overdose: A cohort study | Journal Article | Stimulant use has been rising among people with opioid use disorder in recent years in North America, alongside a parallel rise in illicit drug toxicity... | Research |
| Consumer Guide: How Can a Peer Specialist Support My Recovery From Problematic Substance Use? For People Seeking Recovery | Brochure | This new consumer guide offers people with past or current problematic substance use a straightforward exploration of the roles, values, and work environments of professional... | Treatment |
| Converting Adults with Sickle Cell Disease from Full Agonist Opioids to Buprenorphine: A Reliable Method with Safety and Early Evidence of Reduced Acute Care Utilization | Journal Article | Buprenorphine, a novel opioid with complex pharmacology, is effective for treating pain and is qualitatively safer than high dose full agonist opioid therapy; but transitioning... | Treatment |
| Coronavirus COVID-19 Global Cases by the Center for Systems and Engineering (CSSE) at Johns Hopkins University (JHU) | Website | | |
| Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) outbreak | Website | World Health Organization (WHO) latest updates | |
| Cost-effectiveness of office-based buprenorphine treatment for opioid use disorder | Journal Article | Aim: To assess the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of office-based buprenorphine treatment (OBBT) in the U.S. Findings For a cohort of 100,000 untreated individuals who enter... | Research |
| Countering Discrimination and Improving Recovery Supports Across Court, Corrections, and Reentry Settings | Pamphlet or Fact Sheet | This fact sheet, developed by SAMHSA, focuses on addressing stigma and promoting recovery support for individuals with substance use and mental health conditions within court,... | Advocacy / Policy, Evidence-Based Practices, Program Implementation |
| COVID-19 Coping Toolkit | Tools | A COVID-19 Coping Toolkit for Parents and Caregivers in Recovery | |
| COVID-19 disrupting mental health services in most countries, WHO survey | Print Media (i.e. newsletter or bulletin) | | |
| COVID-19 Vaccine FAQs | Website | For information on the COVID-19 vaccines in several languages, visit the UCLA Asian American Studies Center to access their fact sheets available in many Asian languages, as... | |
| CPDD Travel Awards | Other | | |
| Creating Persuasive Evidence-Based, Anti-Substance Use Media Messages | Presentation Slides | Mass media attempts at prevention of psychotropic substance use have been irregular in their results. | Prevention |
| Critical Care Medicine - ICU Reach | Website | ICU REACH is an educational website designed to help critical care professionals stay connected, learn, and educate one another. We strive to provide the highest... | |
| CTN Dissemination Library | Website | You can access lots of articles from this website funded by the US National Institute of Drug Abuse. If you can't find an open access... | Prevention, Research, Treatment |
| Cultural Adaptation and Validation of the Urdu Version of the Cognitive Emotion Regulation Questionnaire (CERQ) in Male Patients With Substance Use Disorders (SUDs) in Pakistan | Journal Article | This study aims to translate and adapt the CERQ into the Urdu language and to determine its reliability and convergent validity in a sample of... | Evaluation, Research |
| Currículo de Tratamiento Universal (UTC) | Course | Estas capacitaciones le brindarán una descripción general integral de la naturaleza del cambio y una comprensión del proceso y los elementos del tratamiento y la... | Program Implementation, Treatment |
| DARA: Drug and Alcohol Rehab Asis | Presentation Slides | DARA and Mahidol University - treatment experience in Asia | Program Implementation |
| Data on Clients Receiving Mental Health Treatment Services Through State Mental Health Agencies | Journal Article | Mental Health Client-Level Data (MH-CLD) 2022: Data on Clients Receiving Mental Health Treatment Services Through State Mental Health Agencies annual report presents the total number... | Treatment |
| Deaths from Excessive Alcohol Use — United States, 2016–2021 | Reports | Authors: Marissa B. Esser, PhD; Adam Sherk, PhD; Yong Liu, MD; Timothy S. Naimi, MD This report discusses the increase in deaths attributed to excessive alcohol... | |
| Decolonizing Mental Health | Reports | | Advocacy / Policy |
| Delta-8, Delta-10, HHC, THC-O, THCP, and THCV: What Should We Call These Products? | Journal Article | Authors: MATTHEW E. ROSSHEIM, PH.D., M.P.H., C.P.H., CASSIDY R. LOPARCO, PH.D., DOUG HENRY, PH.D., PAMELA J. TRANGENSTEIN, PH.D., & SCOTT T. WALTERS, PH.D. Research is needed... | Research |
| Demystifying Ayahuasca: Pharmacology Series | Webinar | Prof. Rafael Guimarães dos Santos, Ph.D. presents on the cultural significance of ayahuasca and his research. He worked as a researcher in five experimental studies in... | Evidence-Based Practices, Research |
| Depression & anxiety symptoms linked to vaping nicotine and THC in teens and young adults | Reports | | Research |
| Detection of Alcohol Intoxication Using Voice Features: A Controlled Laboratory Study | Journal Article | Authors: Brian Suffoletto , Ayman Anwar , Sean Glaister , Ervin Sejdic Devices such as mobile phones and smart speakers could be useful to remotely identify voice alterations associated with alcohol... | Research |
| Detection of Illegally Manufactured Fentanyls and Carfentanil in Drug Overdose Deaths — United States, 2021–2024 | Reports | | |
| Determinants and prevalence of relapse among patients with substance use disorders: case of Icyizere Psychotherapeutic Centre | Journal Article | Relapse to substance use after successful detoxication and rehabilitation is a public health concern worldwide. this study aimed to examine the prevalence and the factors... | Research |
| Developing Novel Therapies for Stimulant Use Disorder | Video | "Through a cooperative agreement with the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, this public workshop will examine the complexities of stimulant use disorder with a focus... | Research |
| Developing the Addiction Workforce in Africa: Progress and Issues | Webinar | ICUDDR and ISSUP are pleased to present our Webinar on Developing the Addiction Workforce in Africa. The aim of this Webinar is to share the... | Case Study, Evaluation, Program Implementation |
| Developing university -based DDR academic programs for resource constrained countries | Video | Beatrice Kathungu, Kenyatta University, presents on how they developed a new post graduate diploma program in drug demand reduction for her university in Nairobi, Kenya. | Case Study, Program Implementation |
| Development of the Addiction Treatment Workforce in Ukraine by the Ukraine Addiction Technology Transfer Center | Journal Article | The high prevalence of HIV and substance use disorders (SUD) in Ukraine remains a significant public health problem. A well-trained, recovery-oriented national workforce to enhance... | Advocacy / Policy, Program Implementation, Treatment |
| Different risk factors are associated with alcohol use versus problematic use in male Pakistani adolescents | Journal Article | Substance abuse is a significant problem in Pakistan (Hussain, 2017), yet, there are few studies of risk factors in this population, particularly in remote areas. The... | Prevention, Research |
| Digital Network Education | Presentation Slides | | Program Implementation |
| Disposable E-Cigarette Use and Subsequent Use Patterns in Adolescents and Young Adults | Journal Article | This article discusses the relationship between disposable e-cigarette use and future e-cigarette use among youth and young adults in Southern California. | Prevention |
| Diversifying and enriching theoretical approaches to the interdisciplinary study of alcohol and other drug use | Journal Article | Amy Pennay & Cameron Duff (2022) Diversifying and enriching theoretical approaches to the interdisciplinary study of alcohol and other drug use, Drugs: Education, Prevention and Policy, DOI: 10.1080/09687637.2022.2130176 | Research |
| Dixon, 2010 Creating effective student engagement in online courses: What do students find engaging? | Journal Article | Abstract: While this paper set out to discover what activities and/or interaction channels might be expected to lead to more highly engaged students, what it... | Program Implementation, Research |
| Does Bail Reform Increase Crime in New York State | Journal Article | In 2019, New York State passed bail reform legislation that limited the use of money bail and expanded pretrial release. The bail reform law took... | Advocacy / Policy, Research |
| Does substance use compromise depression treatment in persons with HIV? Findings from a randomized controlled trial. | Journal Article | Abstract Depression and substance use are significant obstacles to effective HIV care. Using data derived from a randomized controlled trial of persons with HIV who... | Research |
| Drug Overdose Deaths in Adults Aged 65 and Over: United States, 2000–2020 | Pamphlet or Fact Sheet | This data brief report presents age-adjusted trends in drug overdose death rates, including trends in the type of opioid drug involved, for adults aged 65... | Research |
| Drug-Free Africa | Website | Drug Addiction Free Africa (DAFA) is a not-for-profit organization formalized in Uganda to offer the potential for Africa to implement substance use prevention, treatment, and recovery... | Advocacy / Policy, Prevention, Research, Treatment |
| Dual action of ketamine confines addiction liability | Journal Article | Ketamine is used clinically as an anaesthetic and a fast-acting antidepressant, and recreationally for its dissociative properties, raising concerns of addiction as a possible side... | Research |
| Early Recognition and Effective Treatment of Early Serious Mental Illness | Brochure | This brochure emphasizes the crucial role of early detection and intervention in serious mental illnesses, emphasizing the need for prompt attention at the first onset... | Treatment |
| Economic Evaluations of Establishing Opioid Overdose Prevention Centers in 12 North American cities: A Systematic Review | Journal Article | Authors: Czarina N. Behrends, PhD, MPH, Jared A. Leff, MS, Weston Lowry, BA, Jazmine M. Li, MPH, Erica N. Onuoha, MPH, Erminia Fardone, PhD, Ahmed M.... | Evaluation, Prevention |
| Education and training on addiction psychiatry in low and middle income countries: Observations from existing literature and recommendations going ahead | Journal Article | Addictive disorders are a significant contributor to the global burden of disease. The burden of addictive disorders in LMIC is expected to grow further over... | Advocacy / Policy, Program Implementation, Research |
| Efectividad a Largo Plazo de la Terapia de Grupo Cognitivo-conductual del Alcoholismo: Impacto de la Patología Dual en el Resultado del Tratamiento | Journal Article | El objetivo de este estudio fue analizar el resultado del tratamiento cognitivo-conductual grupal llevado a cabo en un centro ambulatorio para el tratamiento de las... | Research, Treatment |
| Effect of Risk Mitigation Guidance for opioid and stimulant dispensations on mortality and acute care visits during dual public health emergencies: retrospective cohort study | Journal Article | Authors:Amanda Slaunwhite, Jeong Eun Min, Heather Palis, Karen Urbanoski, Bernie Pauly, Brittany Barker, Alexis Crabtree, Paxton Bach, Emmanuel Krebs, Laura Dale, Louise Meilleur, Bohdan Nosyk... | Research, Treatment |
| Effects of buprenorphine on opioid craving in comparison to other medications for opioid use disorder: A systematic review of randomized controlled trials | Journal Article | Craving is a distressing symptom of opioid use disorder (OUD) that can be alleviated with medications for OUD (MOUD). Buprenorphine is an effective MOUD that... | Research |
| Effects of Exercise on Depression, Anxiety, Cognitive Control, Craving, Physical Fitness and Quality of Life in Methamphetamine-Dependent Patients | Journal Article | Methamphetamine (MA) abuse results in a variety of harmful changes in mood states and cognitive function, together with declined physical health and quality of life.... | Research, Treatment |
| Effects of the Communities that Heal (CTH) intervention on perceived opioid-related community stigma in the HEALing Communities Study: results of a multi-site, community-level, cluster-randomized trial | Journal Article | This study evaluates the Communities that Heal program on its effectiveness to reduce community stigma around opioid use disorder. | Evaluation, Evidence-Based Practices |
| Eficacia de las comunidades terapéuticas en el tratamiento de problemas por uso de sustancias psicoactivas: una revisión sistemática | Journal Article | Extender la revisión hecha por Smith et al. el 2006 y resumir la evidencia disponible actualmente respecto a la eficacia de las comunidades terapéuticas (CT)... | Research |
| Enhancing your Addiction Education and Early Career | Other | Please join us for our very first ISSUP-ICUDDR joint webinar! This session is for students and new addiction science professionals and will bring together a... | Program Implementation, Research |
| Envisioning Minimally Disruptive Opioid Use Disorder Care | Journal Article | Most people who need and want treatment for opioid addiction cannot access it. Among those who do get treatment, only a fraction receive evidence-based, life-saving... | Advocacy / Policy, Program Implementation, Treatment |
| Epidemiology of substance use and mental health disorders among forced migrants displaced from the MENAT region: A systematic review and meta-analysis protocol | Journal Article | Background: Understanding the epidemiology of substance use disorders (SUDs) and mental health disorders (MHDs) among forced migrants from the Middle East and North Africa and... | Research |
| Epigenome-wide association study on methamphetamine dependence | Journal Article | Authors: Toshiyuki Shirai, Satoshi Okazaki, Takaki Tanifuji, Ikuo Otsuka, Tadasu Horai, Kentaro Mouri, Yukihiro Takemura, Katsuro Aso, Noriya Yamamoto, Akitoyo Hishimoto This study explores the relationship between methamphetamine use and epigenetic mechanisms among adults in... | Research |
| Estimating the Effects of Hypothetical Alcohol Minimum Unit Pricing Policies on Alcohol Use and Deaths: A State Example | Journal Article | Authors: LAUREN BERTIN, a GREGORY LEUNG, MICHELE K. BOHM, JENNIFER LECLERCQ,b ELIZABETH L. SKILLEN,& MARISSA B. ESSER Objective: Alcohol minimum unit pricing (MUP) policies establish... | Advocacy / Policy, Prevention |
| Evaluating the Quality of Training Programs: A framework crossing European standards on prevention and on elearning | Presentation Slides | Using the European standards in prevention and elearning to evaluate trainings | Evaluation |
| Evaluation of a student clinical research education program in addiction medicine | Journal Article | Objective: To evaluate an experiential student clinical addiction research program by analyzing its components, evaluation survey data, and scientific outputs. In 1995, we established a... | Program Implementation, Research |
| Evaluation of real-world outcomes associated with use of a prescription digital therapeutic to treat substance use disorders | Journal Article | Digital therapeutics can expand the reach and fidelity of behavioral treatment for substance use disorders (SUDs). This analysis evaluated real-world engagement and clinical outcomes in... | Research, Treatment |
| Evaluation of Trends in Alcohol Use Disorder–Related Mortality in the US Before and During the COVID-19 Pandemic/Evaluación de tendencias en la mortalidad relacionada con el trastorno por consumo de alcohol en Estados Unidos, antes y durante la pande | Journal Article | The US mortality rate has surged during the COVID-19 pandemic. Therefore, it is imperative to identify diseases and health conditions that have been affected disproportionately.... | Research |
| Evidence-Based Teaching: How to Develop, Deliver, and Evaluate Effective Substance Use Curricula | Website | This lecture is part of the Provider Clinical Support System (PCSS) a project funded by the U.S. government to improve medical education on addiction. it... | Program Implementation |
| Examining associations between MDMA/ecstasy and classic psychedelic use and impairments in social functioning in a U.S. adult sample | Journal Article | Impairment in social functioning is a common source of morbidity across many mental health disorders, yet there is a dearth of effective and easily implemented... | Research |
| Examining the benefit of a higher maintenance dose of extended-release buprenorphine in opioid-injecting participants treated for opioid use disorder | Journal Article | Authors: Mark K. Greenwald, Katharina L. Wiest, Barbara R. Haight, Celine M. Laffont & Yue Zhao This is a secondary analysis of a randomized, double-blind study comparing... | Research, Treatment |
| Examining the Use of Braided Funding for Substance Use Disorder Services | Reports | This report examines the use of braided funding models for substance use disorder services in the US. It encourages finding a path to program sustainability.... | Case Study, Program Implementation, Treatment |
| Examining the Use of Braided Funding for Substance Use Disorder Services Webinar | Webinar | This webinar goes over the report, "Examining the Use of Braided Funding for Substance Use Disorder Services". | Case Study, Program Implementation, Treatment |
| Example of developing a national addiction institutional infrastructure | Journal Article | | Case Study |
| Example of university implementation of UPC | Journal Article | Objective: Comprehensive bachelor's, master's, and doctorate-level curricula of Addiction Studies (Addictology) were developed and implemented at Charles University (First Faculty of Medicine) between 2003 and 2012.... | Case Study |
| Expanding Access to and Use of Behavioral Health Services for People At Risk for or Experiencing Homelessness | Print Media (i.e. newsletter or bulletin) | This guide highlights strategies for behavioral health and housing providers to conduct outreach and engage with individuals experiencing homelessness, initiate use of behavioral health treatment... | Advocacy / Policy |
| Expanding access to medications for opioid use disorder through locally-initiated implementation | Journal Article | Authors: Jessica J. Wyse, Katherine Mackey, Travis I. Lovejoy, Devan Kansagara, Anais Tuepker, Adam J. Gordon, P. Todd Korthuis, Anders Herreid-O’Neill, Beth Williams and Benjamin... | Treatment |
| Explora H: Una intervención de bajo costo para la prevención en salud mental | Journal Article | With the presence of alcohol, tobacco, and other drug use among adolescents in our country and across Latin America, the increase of supplements has resulted... | Prevention, Research |
| Exploring Gender and Ethnoracial Differences and Trends in Methamphetamine Treatment | Journal Article | Authors: Erick G Guerrero1, Hortensia Amaro2, Yinfei Kong3, Tenie Khachikian4 and Jeanne C Marsh Given the significant rise in methamphetamine use and related mortality in... | Treatment |
| Exploring indicators of natural recovery from alcohol and drug use problems: findings from the life in recovery survey in Flanders | Journal Article | Authors: Florian De Meyer, Amine Zerrouk, Clara De Ruysscher & Wouter Vanderplasschen This article explores the concept of natural recovery through online cross-sectional survey of people... | Treatment |
| Facing the future of substance use disorders treatment in Vietnam – A case study for international development and cooperation | Journal Article | Abstract Vietnam made progress transitioning from a criminal justice to a health treatment response for substance use disorders (SUD) in recent years. This case study... | Treatment |
| FACT SHEET: The President’s Budget: Extending Medicare Solvency by 25 Years or More, Strengthening Medicare, and Lowering Health Care Costs | Pamphlet or Fact Sheet | | Advocacy / Policy |
| Fatal Drug Overdoses Among U.S. Seniors Have Tripled Since 2000 | Other | | Research |
| FDA warns about the risk of xylazine exposure in humans | Pamphlet or Fact Sheet | The United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is communicating to health care professionals about serious risks associated with xylazine exposure in humans and considerations... | Treatment |
| Federal Guidelines for Opioid Treatment Programs (2024) | Other | This is a manual revised and intended for OTP staff in manuevering the paradigm shift towards patient centered care in SUD treatment. This manual includes... | Evidence-Based Practices, Treatment |
| Fogarty International Center Programs | Other | The Fogarty International Center at the U.S. National Institutes of Health (NIH) is dedicated to advancing the NIH mission by supporting and facilitating global health research conducted... | |
| From Research to Reality: Crafting an Image of the Current State of Psychedelic-Assisted Psychotherapies for Substance Use Disorders | Journal Article | This article speaks about the usage of Psychedelic-Assisted Psychotherapies for Substance Use Disorders and their outcomes. | Evaluation |
| Gambling Addiction | Webinar | This webinar took place on December 7, 2022 and was organised by the ICUDDR Asia-Pacific Training Committee. Dr. Devin Mills, Assistant Professor, Texas Tech University,... | |
| Getting Candid: Framing the Conversation Around Youth Substance Use Prevention | Tools | Getting Candid: Framing the Conversation Around Youth Substance Use Prevention is an online toolkit designed to support providers in their ongoing and important work of... | Prevention |
| Global addiction university education: a survey of members of International Consortium of Universities for Drug Demand Reduction (ICUDDR) | Journal Article | Authors: Amalie Lososová, Carly M. Searcy, Ondrej Volf, Anna Volfová, Kevin P. Mulvey & Michal Miovský Quality education is needed for providing quality addiction care.... | Prevention |
| Global Civil Society Report for the 2024 midterm review of the Commision on Narcotic Drugs | Reports | The Vienna & New York NGO Committees on Drugs are pleased to present the global civil society report for the 2024 mid-term review of the... | Evaluation, Research |
| Global Information System on Resources for the Prevention and Treatment of Substance Use Disorders. | Tools | Welcome to the Global Information System on Resources for the Prevention and Treatment of Substance Use Disorders. These pages present data collected from WHO Member... | Evaluation |
| Global Report on Cocaine 2023 | Pamphlet or Fact Sheet | Global production of cocaine has jumped dramatically over the past two years following an initial slowdown caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, according to a new... | Advocacy / Policy, Research |
| Harm Reduction and Treatment Among People at High Risk of Overdose | Journal Article | Authors: Sachini Bandara, PhD; Lauren Byrne, MPH; Vanessa Berman, MPH; et al This article includes a cross-sectional study of fentanyl strips compared to overdoses to show a need for expanded harm reduction efforts. | Prevention, Research |
| Harm reduction resources | Website | This website separates the science from the myths regarding effective harm reduction strategies. It has training materials and case studies that may be useful if... | Research, Treatment |
| Harm Reduction: Learnings from the European Model | Webinar | Dr. Fran Calvo presents harm reduction from the European Model. This model shows similarities between treatments, harm reduction, prevention, and policies. | Prevention, Treatment |
| Health Professions Faculty for the Future: Proceedings of a Workshop (2021) | Print Media (i.e. newsletter or bulletin) | National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine 2021. Health Professions Faculty for the Future: Proceedings of a Workshop. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. https://doi.org/10.17226/26041.... | Program Implementation |
| Hospital Standards of Care for People with Substance Use Disorder | Journal Article | For the one in nine hospitalized U.S. adults who have SUD, hospital-based addiction care has critical health benefits. But most hospitals don’t offer such care.... | Research |
| Hospitalization Associated With Comorbid Psychiatric and Substance Use Disorders Among Adults With COVID-19 Treated in US Emergency Departments From April 2020 to August 2021 | Journal Article | During the COVID-19 pandemic, US emergency department (ED) visits for psychiatric disorders (PDs) and drug overdoses increased. Psychiatric disorders and substance use disorders (SUDs) independently... | Treatment |
| Housing Supports Recovery and Well-Being: Definitions and Shared Values | Pamphlet or Fact Sheet | This facts sheet provides an overview of housing models that support the recovery and well-being of individuals struggling with substance abuse and/or mental health conditions.... | Advocacy / Policy, Program Implementation |
| How have cannabis use and related indicators changed since legalization of cannabis for non-medical purposes? Results of the Canadian Cannabis Survey 2018–2022 | Journal Article | Authors: Samantha Goodman, Matthew J. Dann, Fathima Fataar, Hanan Abramovici This article examined various non-medical cannabis trends in Canada following legalization. The authors found an increase in non-medical cannabis... | Evaluation, Research |
| How Many Recovery Attempts Does it Take to Successfully Resolve an Alcohol or Drug Problem? Estimates and Correlates From a National Study of Recovering U.S. Adults | Journal Article | Although a robust literature exists on quit attempts in the tobacco field, little is known regarding patterns of cessation attempts related to alcohol, opioid, stimulant,... | Research |
| How to Make Your Teaching Matter: Evidence-Based Teaching Strategies for Addiction Professionals | Video | Jason Satterfield, PhD, Endowed Chair for Innovation in Teaching and Professor of Clinical Medicine at the University of California San Francisco discusses strategies to improve... | Program Implementation, Treatment |
| ICUDDR Africa Meeting 2018 | Video | This video includes presentations from Kenya and Nigeria from the first day of the ICUDDR track at the ISSUP meeting in Nairobi Kenya. The presentations... | Program Implementation |
| ICUDDR Africa Meeting 2018 Second Day | Video | This video includes presentations from South Africa, Tanzania and Ghana as well as from Czech Republic. It covers information regarding program development and overcoming barriers... | Program Implementation |
| ICUDDR Africa Region Conference Video Introduction to ICUDDR | Video | This video of Charles University Professor and ICUDDR president, Michal Miovsky, describes the rationale for ICUDDR to begin and the types of services and resources... | Program Implementation |
| ICUDDR Global Conference 2021 | Conference | Recordings of the 2021 ICUDDR Global Conference, held virtually. | Advocacy / Policy, Evidence-Based Practices, Prevention, Program Implementation, Research, Treatment |
| ICUDDR Global Conference 2023 | Conference | View Plenary and Symposia presented at the 2023 ICUDDR Global Conference in Chiang Mai, Thailand. | Advocacy / Policy, Evidence-Based Practices, Prevention, Program Implementation, Research, Treatment |
| ICUDDR Global Conference 2024: A Collaborative Approach to Addressing Substance Use Among PrEP (pre-exposure prophylaxis) Clients at the Sexual Health Promotion Clinic in Hanoi, Vietnam | Conference | From the 2024 Global Conference, held in Thessaloniki, Greece Author: Mr. Quang Anh Mai Background: The prevalence of substance use, especially stimulants, among PrEP clients... | |
| ICUDDR Global Conference 2024: Adaptation and fidelity to the Universal Prevention Curriculum (UPC) of the Higher Technician in Prevention Career - Paraguay 2023 | Conference | From the 2024 Global Conference held in Thessaloniki, Greece. Author: Dr. Fernando Salazar Objective: Evaluate the adaptation and fidelity to the UPC of the Higher... | Prevention, Program Implementation, Research |
| ICUDDR Global Conference 2024: Association between Masculinity Norms and Alcohol Use among Male Teachers in Muranga County, Kenya | Conference | From the 2024 Global Conference, held in Thessaloniki, Greece Author: Dr. Stephen Asatsa Muranga is one of the counties in Kenya with the highest prevalence... | Research |
| ICUDDR Global Conference 2024: Brief Interventions to selective and indicative prevention in mental health and addictions | Conference | From the 2024 Global Conference, held in Thessaloniki, Greece Author: Dr. Silvia Morales-Chainé An increase in drug use and mental health problems have been reported in... | Evidence-Based Practices, Prevention, Program Implementation |
| ICUDDR Global Conference 2024: Creating Capacity to Address War-time Trauma in Military Veterans in Ukraine | Conference | From the 2024 Global Conference, held in Thessaloniki, Greece Author: Dr. Irina Pinchuk This presentation will examine the Ukraine ITTC's project "Training for Trainers in... | Program Implementation |
| ICUDDR Global Conference 2024: Developing and implementing a Drug reduce University Diploma for health practitioners in Uruguay: challenges and future directions. | Conference | From the 2024 Global Conference, held in Thessaloniki, Greece Author: Dr. Maria Eugenia Fernandez In Uruguay, there is a shortage of trained professionals in drug... | Evidence-Based Practices, Program Implementation |
| ICUDDR Global Conference 2024: Drug-related harm reduction: A conceptual framework and a proposal for its teaching | Conference | From the 2024 Global Conference, held in Thessaloniki, Greece Author: Dr. Xavier Ferrer This presentation is intended to be a framework for the panel and... | Evidence-Based Practices, Prevention, Program Implementation |
| ICUDDR Global Conference 2024: Effects of the Universal Prevention Curriculum for Schools on Substance Use Among Peruvian Adolescents: A Randomized Trial | Conference | From the 2024 Global Conference held in Thessaloniki, Greece. Author: Dr. Fernando Salazar This group-randomized trial assessed the effects of a universal prevention training curriculum... | Evaluation, Prevention, Research |
| ICUDDR Global Conference 2024: Enhancing community reintegration for people with a history of substance use in Vietnam | Conference | From the 2024 Global Conference, held in Thessaloniki, Greece Author: Dr. Trang Nguyen Thu The Vietnam ITTC will present our project to develop capacity of volunteer... | Program Implementation |
| ICUDDR Global Conference 2024: Evidence-based drug prevention policy among youth and students in Vietnam | Conference | From the 2024 Global Conference, held in Thessaloniki, Greece Author: Ms. Minh Nguyen Background Given the increasing number of young people engaging and drug use... | Advocacy / Policy, Evidence-Based Practices, Prevention |
| ICUDDR Global Conference 2024: Exploring Perspectives of People in Recovery: Rehabilitation Within the Maldivian Context | Conference | From the 2024 Global Conference held in Thessaloniki, Greece. Author: Ms. Luhya Ismail Drug abuse is a prevailing issue in the Maldives, though the nation... | Case Study, Treatment |
| ICUDDR Global Conference 2024: Global Position Paper on Recovery | Conference | From the 2024 Global Conference held in Thessaloniki, Greece. Author: Boro Goic The Global Position Paper on Recovery (GPPR) is a collaborative effort, bringing together civil... | Advocacy / Policy, Evidence-Based Practices |
| ICUDDR Global Conference 2024: Implementation of The Complete Course of The Child Curriculum Version in Spanish | Conference | From the 2024 Global Conference, held in Thessaloniki, Greece Author: Dr. Maria Carmen Sanchez de Molinas This presentation will review the challenges and opportunities faced... | Evaluation, Evidence-Based Practices, Program Implementation |
| ICUDDR Global Conference 2024: Incorporating Prevention Science into Effective Systems and Practice | Conference | From the 2024 Global Conference, held in Thessaloniki, Greece Author: Dr. Zili Sloboda Over the past four decades progress has been made in improving our... | Prevention |
| ICUDDR Global Conference 2024: Insights to the global addiction education, Pearls from the ICUDDR survey 2023 | Conference | From the 2024 Global Conference held in Thessaloniki, Greece. Author: Dr. Amalie Lososová Background: The ICUDDR as one of the key global players on the addictions... | Program Implementation, Research |
| ICUDDR Global Conference 2024: Interactive platform for mental health support and prevention of risk behavior in the Czech Republic | Conference | From the 2024 Global Conference, held in Thessaloniki, Greece Author: Mrs. Renata Habinakova Interactive Platform for Mental Health Support and Risk Behaviour Prevention. (iprev.cz) is... | Evidence-Based Practices, Prevention, Program Implementation |
| ICUDDR Global Conference 2024: Interpersonal Theory for Anxiety Management in People with Substance Use Disorders | Conference | From the 2024 Global Conference held in Thessaloniki, Greece. Author: Professor Caroline Pereira Peplau`s Interpersonal Theory of Nursing is the core of the competencies in... | Research, Treatment |
| ICUDDR Global Conference 2024: Intervention to Reduce the Risk of Chemsex Behavior Among Men Who Have Sex With Men in Ho Chi Minh City: Controlled Interventions | Conference | From the 2024 Global Conference, held in Thessaloniki, Greece Author: Ms. Vi Thi Tuong Vu Background Men who have sex with men (MSM) engaging in sexual... | Evidence-Based Practices, Research |
| ICUDDR Global Conference 2024: Intimate Violence: Alcohol and Drug Use, and Mental Health during COVID-19 among Young Mexican Adults | Conference | From the 2024 Global Conference, held in Thessaloniki, Greece Author: Dr. Silvia Morales-Chainé Although the COVID-19 pandemic triggered an increase in intimate violence, drug use, and... | Research |
| ICUDDR Global Conference 2024: ITTCs and Systems Change | Conference | From the 2024 Global Conference, held in Thessaloniki, Greece. Author: Ms. Jairat Gina Jaturapataraporn This presentation will discuss the role of International Technology Transfer Centers (ITTCs)... | Advocacy / Policy, Program Implementation |
| ICUDDR Global Conference 2024: Leading the Way: Developing, Implementing and Evaluating Interventions to Prevent and Treat Children with Substance Use Problems | Conference | From the 2024 Global Conference, held in Thessaloniki, Greece Author: Mr. Manish Kumar Since 1984-85, SPYM has been actively involved in addressing Substance Use Prevention,... | Evaluation, Evidence-Based Practices, Prevention, Program Implementation, Treatment |
| ICUDDR Global Conference 2024: Mantente REAL: The cultural adaptation and effectiveness of an evidence-based prevention program | Conference | From the 2024 Global Conference held in Thessaloniki, Greece. Author: Dr. Flavio Marsiglia Adolescent substance use in Latin America and the Caribbean region is rising... | Evidence-Based Practices, Prevention |
| ICUDDR Global Conference 2024: Multicomponent School-Based Program in Mexico to Prevent Behavioral Problems and Develop Social Skills in Children: A Cluster Randomized Trial | Conference | From the 2024 Global Conference held in Thessaloniki, Greece. Author: Professor Jorge Ameth Villatoro Velazquez There is a significant gap between the prevalence of child... | Evidence-Based Practices, Research |
| ICUDDR Global Conference 2024: Needs Assessment of Addiction Science Programmes at Universities in South Africa and Preparatory work for Curriculum Development | Conference | From the 2024 Global Conference, held in Thessaloniki, Greece Author: Dr. Rehana Kader Currently, South Africa has only two universities in the country that offer... | Program Implementation |
| ICUDDR Global Conference 2024: Prevention Science and the Professionalization of Prevention Practice | Conference | From the 2024 Global Conference, held in Thessaloniki, Greece Author: Dr. Zili Sloboda With the international recognition of the science that supports prevention, there have... | Prevention |
| ICUDDR Global Conference 2024: Regional Evidence-Based Prevention Hub: A proposal to close quality gaps in prevention initiatives in the region | Conference | From the 2024 Global Conference held in Thessaloniki, Greece. Author: Dr. Dedsy Berbesi Although it has been possible to identify that there is a wide variety... | Evidence-Based Practices, Prevention |
| ICUDDR Global Conference 2024: Road to Recovery - Stories from Youth Cannabis Users | Conference | From the 2024 Global Conference held in Thessaloniki, Greece Author: Mrs. Malsha Muneer Drug abuse is a prevailing issue in the Maldives, though the nation... | Case Study |
| ICUDDR Global Conference 2024: School psychoactive substance use prevention intervention quality model | Conference | From the 2024 Global Conference held in Thessaloniki, Greece. Author: Dr. Fernando Salazar Prevention of the use of psychoactive substances in schools is still widely... | Evidence-Based Practices, Program Implementation, Research |
| ICUDDR Global Conference 2024: Substance use disorders among female offenders in the Criminal Justice System in East Africa | Conference | From the 2024 Global Conference held in Thessaloniki, Greece. Author: Faridah Nakoma IntroductionA significant proportion of women who face incarceration in the criminal justice system (CJS) have... | Research |
| ICUDDR Global Conference 2024: The Implementation of Methadone Maintenance Treatment in Vietnam: A Scoping Review of Achievements and Challenges | Conference | From the 2024 Global Conference held in Thessaloniki, Greece. Author: Dr. Diep Nguyen Introduction This scoping review aims to provide a comprehensive overview of the... | Evidence-Based Practices, Program Implementation, Research, Treatment |
| ICUDDR Global Conference 2024: The Importance of Advocacy in Impacting Public Policies, Experience of the Colombia ITTC | Conference | From the 2024 Global Conference held in Thessaloniki, Greece. Author: Dr. Dedsy Berbesi-Fernández This presentation will discuss the role that advocacy plays in achieving lasting changes... | Advocacy / Policy, Evidence-Based Practices |
| ICUDDR Global Conference 2024: Undergraduate and Postgraduate Programmes in Greek Universities on Drug Addiction Treatment and Prevention | Conference | From the 2024 Global Conference held in Thessaloniki, Greece. Author: Dr. Anna Tsiboukli This paper focuses on the development of undergraduate and post-graduate programmes in drug... | Program Implementation |
| ICUDDR Global Conference 2024: Youth as Active Agents in Prevention: training experience with undergraduate students | Conference | From the 2024 Global Conference, held in Thessaloniki, Greece Author: Dr. Carmen Orte “Youth as Active Agents in Prevention” is a Positive Youth Development project,... | Evaluation, Evidence-Based Practices, Prevention, Program Implementation |
| Identification and Management of Mental Health Symptoms and Conditions Associated with Long COVID | Reports | | Research |
| Impact of COVID-19 Telehealth Policy Changes on Buprenorphine Treatment for Opioid Use Disorder | Journal Article | The authors examined the impact of COVID-19-related policies reducing barriers to telehealth delivery of buprenorphine treatment for opioid use disorder (OUD) on buprenorphine treatment across... | Research, Treatment |
| Impact of Drug in Myanmar | Presentation Slides | Analysis of the impact of drug use in Myanmar. | Research |
| Implementación de educación y capacitación para la reducción de la demanda de alcohol y drogas: | Implementation Toolkit | Una guía para el personal administrativo y las facultades universitarias | Advocacy / Policy, Evaluation, Prevention, Program Implementation, Research, Treatment |
| Implementation of an integrated infectious disease and substance use disorder team for injection drug use-associated infections: a qualitative study | Journal Article | Authors: Belén Hervera, Grace Seo, Tyler S. Bartholomew, Teresa A. Chueng, Edward Suarez, David W. Forrest , Salma Hernandez, Allan E. Rodriguez, Hansel E. Tookes, Susanne... | Treatment |
| Implementation of the Higher Technician in Prevention of the Use of Psychoactive Substances Career | Reports | Author: Fernando Salazar Silva, Ph.D The Implementation of the Higher Technician in Prevention of the Use of Psychoactive Substances Career project has the objective of... | Prevention, Research |
| Implementation Science in Addiction and Criminal Justice: Bridging the Gap Between Research and Practice | Website | As presented for ICUDDR by Todd Molfenter, PhD on 6/17/2020 | Evaluation, Program Implementation, Research, Treatment |
| Implementation Science: Understanding the Know-Do Gap in Prevention | Webinar | Dr. Andreas Hein, PhD, presents implementations of EBIs, skills for implementation, and why one should bother with implementing EBIs. | Evaluation, Research |
| Implementing Alcohol and Drug Demand Reduction Education and Training: A Guide for University Administrators and Faculty | Implementation Toolkit | This guide is the basis of our implementation tool kit. We will continue to add templates, case studies and example tools as time goes on.... | Advocacy / Policy, Evaluation, Prevention, Program Implementation, Research, Treatment |
| Importance of perceived social support for HIV/AIDS patients in Pakistan: a collectivist society | Journal Article | Authors: Saima Bint-e-Saif & Salman Shahzad This study examines the moderating role of perceived social support from three sources, i.e., family, friends, and significant others,... | Research, Treatment |
| Improving Data Collection & Reporting Resource Document Learning Collaborative Resource Document | Other | This resource document highlights the critical role of high-quality data in behavioral healthcare, addressing challenges in consistency and relevance within SAMHSA’s SUPTRS BG program. It... | Advocacy / Policy, Evidence-Based Practices, Program Implementation, Research, Treatment |
| Improving Patient Access and Retention | Print Media (i.e. newsletter or bulletin) | Founded in 2003, the Network for the Improvement of Addiction Treatment (NIATx) works with addiction treatment and behavioral health care organizations to improve access to and retention in treatment for patients seeking help with substance abuse. NIATx is a division of the University of Wisconsin–Madison’s Center for Health Enhancement Systems Studies (CHESS). If you are faced with issues such as getting patients into treatment or keeping them engaged long enough to reap the benefits of treatment, this information can help you. | Advocacy / Policy, Evaluation, Evidence-Based Practices, Program Implementation, Research, Treatment |
| Improving the Addiction Treatment Workforce through a Structured Mentorship Program | Video | Presented at the Lisbon Addictions Conference; This session reviews an enhanced training approach for addiction treatment professionals that involves facilitated mentorship, using a new structured... | Evaluation, Program Implementation |
| In utero exposure to cannabidiol disrupts select early-life behaviors in a sex-specific manner | Journal Article | Cannabidiol (CBD), one of the main components of cannabis, is generally considered safe. CBD crosses the placenta and its use during pregnancy is steadily increasing,... | Research |
| Informed by Lived Experience: Recovery is Possible | Webinar | This informative and moving webinar features Keith Navarozza, Roxanne Kibben, and Michael Botticelli sharing their work as SUD professionals and their experiences in recovery. | Advocacy / Policy, Evidence-Based Practices, Program Implementation, Treatment |
| Informing doctors of a patient overdose may help reduce the overprescription of opioids | Reports | | Advocacy / Policy |
| Inhalants: What We Need to Know | Webinar | Dalene Beaulieu, MS, presents the mental and physical effects of inhalants. In addition, she also speaks about how to treat those, of any age, with... | Prevention, Research, Treatment |
| Initiation of and Escalation to High-Intensity Drinking in Young Adults | Journal Article | Question When is high-intensity drinking (HID) (≥10 drinks in a row) initiated, who initiates earlier, and are earlier HID initiation of and speed of escalation to... | Prevention, Research |
| Innovative and Holistic Programs that Offer Medications for Opioid Use Disorder to Pregnant and Parenting Women Issue Brief | Other | This document highlights the challenges faced by pregnant and parenting women (PPW) with opioid use disorder (OUD) and describes approaches to improve their treatment and... | Evidence-Based Practices, Research |
| Insights to Global Addiction Education | Webinar | Dr. Amalie Lososová presents the survey of curricular offerings of addiction studies degree programs. This was conducted in line with ICUDDR's goals. This is an... | Case Study, Research |
| Intellectual Property of Psychedelics for Addiction Treatment: Enabling Access and Protecting Innovation Opportunities Through Preserving the Public Domain | Journal Article | This article provides an overview of how companies monopolize psychedelic compounds by exploiting the patent process. This article provides graphs and statistics on their case study... | Evaluation, Evidence-Based Practices |
| Intended and unintended effects of e-cigarette taxes on youth tobacco use | Journal Article | Over the past decade, rising youth use of e-cigarettes and other electronic nicotine delivery systems (ENDS) has contributed to aggressive regulation by state and local... | Advocacy / Policy, Prevention, Research |
| Interprofessional Education and Collaboration for Addiction Professionals Using Team-Based and Participatory Approaches | Presentation Slides | Master Class: Basic principles of interprofessional education and interprofessional collaboration in the context of the addiction field | Program Implementation |
| Intersection of Addiction and Racism: A Curated Bibliography | Website | Authors: Holly Hagle, PhD, Avik Chatterjee, MD, MPH, Miriam Komaromy, MD, MPH This annotated bibliography is a collection of resources related to racism, anti-racism and advancing health... | Prevention, Treatment |
| Interventions to reduce harms related to drug use among people who experience incarceration: systematic review and meta-analysis | Journal Article | This article incorporates data regarding mortality, suicide, self-harm, and substance use among those who are incarcerated. It entails the effect of interventions provided to those... | Evaluation, Research |
| Introducing the Retraction Watch Hijacked Journal Checker | Website | Hijacked journals mimic legitimate journals by adopting their titles, ISSNs, and other metadata. Usually, hijacked journals mirror legitimate journals without permission from the original journal. Scholars can... | Research |
| Introduction to Evidence-based prevention | Course | Online course in prevention science. Attached are instructions. Link is to register (free). | Prevention |
| INVEST Drug Use and Addiction Research Fellowship | Other | Annual Application Deadline: October 1 Special Application Deadline: April 1 The National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) International Program INVEST Drug Use and Addiction Research Fellowship combines... | |
| Juvenile Drug Treatment Court | Journal Article | Authors: David M. Ledgerwood, Phillippe B. Cunningham This article explores Juvenile Drug Treatment Courts through a literature review. The review found mixed effectiveness and outlined... | Evaluation, Treatment |
| K2/Spice: Learning About Synthetic Cannabinoids | Webinar | Andrew Kurtz, MA, LMFT, presents on synthetic cannabinoids and their risks, outcomes, and overall effects. | Research |
| Kauffman, 2014 A review of predictive factors of student success in and satisfaction with online learning | Journal Article | Abstract: Students perceive online courses differently than traditional courses. Negative perceptions can lead to unfavourable learning outcomes including decreased motivation and persistence. Throughout this review, a... | Program Implementation, Research |
| Key substance use and mental health indicators in the United States: Results from the 2022 National Survey on Drug Use and Health | Pamphlet or Fact Sheet | Read key findings from the 2022 National Survey on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH). This report highlights 2022 statistics on substance use, mental health, and... | Case Study, Evaluation, Research |
| Know Your Rights | Pamphlet or Fact Sheet | This article provides information including who to reach out to if rights have been violated. It also includes information on the Protection and Advocacy for... | Advocacy / Policy |
| Legalization of recreational cannabis linked with increased alcohol drinking, study finds | Journal Article | States that legalized recreational cannabis saw a slight population-level uptick in alcohol consumption that was largely driven by young adults and men, according to new... | Research |
| Linking People with Opioid Use Disorder to Medication Treatment: A Technical Package of Policy, Programs, and Practices | Other | This is a technical package from the CDC. A technical package is a compilation of core strategies to reduce a specific risk factor or prevent a... | Prevention |
| Lived Experience Safeguard Guide and Scale | Pamphlet or Fact Sheet | Integrating the experiences of individuals with lived or living experience in substance use disorder projects, campaigns, articles and activities brings invaluable authenticity and depth. When... | Advocacy / Policy, Evaluation, Evidence-Based Practices, Program Implementation |
| Liver stiffness and associated risk factors among people with a history of injecting drugs: a prospective cohort study | Journal Article | Authors: Karl Trygve Druckrey-Fiskaaen, Jørn Henrik Vold, Tesfaye Madebo, Håvard Midgard, Olav Dalgard, Rafael Alexander Leiva & Lars T. Fadnes This article examines the relationship between liver stiffness and substance use, along with... | Research |
| Long-Term Effectiveness and Cost-Effectiveness of Videoconference-Delivered Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder, Panic Disorder, and Social Anxiety Disorder in Japan: One-Year Follow-Up of a Single-Arm Trial | Journal Article | The purpose of this study was to investigate the long-term effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of videoconference-delivered cognitive behavioral therapy (VCBT) for patients with obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD),... | Evidence-Based Practices, Research, Treatment |
| Long-Term Effects of Increasing Buprenorphine Treatment Seeking, Duration, and Capacity on Opioid Overdose Fatalities: A Model-Based Analysis | Journal Article | ORIGINAL RESEARCH Long-Term Effects of Increasing Buprenorphine Treatment Seeking, Duration, and Capacity on Opioid Overdose Fatalities: A Model-Based Analysis Stringfellow, Erin J. PhD; Lim, Tse... | Advocacy / Policy, Research, Treatment |
| Long-Term Use of Benzodiazepines and Benzodiazepine-Related Drugs: A Register-Based Danish Cohort Study on Determinants and Risk of Dose Escalation | Journal Article | Authors: Thomas Wolff Rosenqvist, M.D. trosenqvist88@gmail.com, Marie Kim Wium-Andersen, M.D., D.M.Sc., Ida Kim Wium-Andersen, M.D., Ph.D., Martin Balslev Jørgensen, M.D., The authors investigated the frequency and determinants of long-term use and risk of dose escalation of benzodiazepines and... | Research, Treatment |
| Mahidol University masters program in addiction studies | Video | Prapapun Chuchaeroen presents on her work developing a masters degree in addictions studies at Mahidol University in Thailand. | Case Study, Program Implementation |
| Marijuana and hallucinogen use among young adults reached all time-high in 2021 | Print Media (i.e. newsletter or bulletin) | Marijuana and hallucinogen use in the past year reported by young adults 19 to 30 years old increased significantly in 2021 compared to five and... | Research |
| Master class on Motivational Interviewing | Video | This recording of a master class on motivational interviewing conducted by Igor Koutsenok, professor at the University of California, San Diego, uses various media to... | Evidence-Based Practices, Treatment |
| Mayo 'mini brains' offer new ways to understand addiction | Reports | | Research |
| Medication-Assisted Treatment For Opioid Addiction in Opioid Treatment Programs | Brochure | | |
| Medications for Opioid Use Disorder: An Effective Treatment for Justice-Involved Persons Reentering the Community Brief Reference Document | Other | This document, provided by SAMHSA, focuses on the use of medications for opioid use disorder (MOUD) as an effective treatment for justice-involved individuals reentering the... | Prevention, Program Implementation, Research, Treatment |
| Methamphetamine Research Report | Reports | | Research |
| Methodologies Mini-Course: Mobile Health Tobacco Interventions Among Low-Income Smokers | Course | In this SRNT-U Methodologies Mini-Course, you'll hear about Dr. Monica Webb Hooper's work with the use of mHealth for smoking cessation among low income African... | Prevention, Research, Treatment |
| MLB, CBD brand Charlotte's Web form exclusive partnership | Website | | |
| Mobile Medication Units and Health Clinics | Other | This document, provided by SAMHSA, describes the use of Mobile Medication Units (MMUs) and Mobile Health Clinics (MHCs) to expand access to opioid use disorder... | Program Implementation, Research |
| Model Building the Substance Use Disorder Workforce of the Future Act | Other | This resource is a model policy for a potential Building the Substance Use Disorder Workforce of the Future Act. It includes draft bill language, commentary,... | Advocacy / Policy |
| Moderate Alcohol Consumption and Depression: A Marginal Structural Model Approach Promoting Causal Inference | Journal Article | Moderate alcohol consumption is associated with decreased risk for depression, but it remains unclear whether this is a causal relationship or a methodological artifact. To... | Research |
| MONITORING THE FUTURE PANEL STUDY ANNUAL REPORT: National Data on Substance Use Among Adults | Other | Monitoring the Future Panel Study annual report: National data on substance use among adults ages 19 to 60, 1976-2021. Monitoring the Future Monograph Series. University... | Research |
| Monitoring the Future: NIDA Survey Results 2022 | Reports | | Research |
| Morbidity through 3 Years of Age in Children of Women Using Methamphetamine during Pregnancy: A National Registry Study | Journal Article | | Research |
| Mortality and life-years lost following subsequent physical comorbidity in people with pre-existing substance use disorders: a national registry-based retrospective cohort study of hospitalised individuals in Czechia | Journal Article | This study aimed to investigate the risk of all-cause death and life-years lost following hospitalisation for 28 subsequent physical comorbid conditions in people with a... | Research |
| Motivational Interviewing | Video | Presented by Igor Koutsenok, MD, Univ of CA San Diego. | Treatment |
| Mutationalprocessesof tobacco smokingand APOBECactivitygenerate protein-truncating mutations incancergenomes | Journal Article | Authors: Nina Adler, Alexander T. Bahcheli, Kevin C. L. Cheng, Khalid N. Al-Zahrani, Mykhaylo Slobodyanyuk, Diogo Pellegrina, Daniel Schramek, Jüri Reimand Cancer is driven by a... | Prevention, Research, Treatment |
| Narrative Review of Models and Success Factors for Scaling up Public Health Interventions | Journal Article | Scaling up evidence-based interventions is necessary to achieve public health goals, including substance use prevention and treatment. This study aims to identify success factors and... | |
| Narrative Review of Models and Success Factors for Scaling up Public Health Interventions | Journal Article | Authors: Andrew J. Milat, Adrian Bauman and Sally Redman Scaling up evidence-based interventions is necessary to achieve public health goals, including substance use prevention and... | Advocacy / Policy, Evaluation, Program Implementation |
| National Association for Alcohol and Drug Abuse Counselors | Website | This website has many free webinars available on a variety of topics that are mostly aimed at addiction treatment professionals, but may be useful for... | Advocacy / Policy, Program Implementation, Treatment |
| National Coalition Institute | Website | The National Coalition Institute (NCI) provides training, Coalition Development Support, outreach, and Evaluation and Research services to support drug-free communities and we are excited to announce the... | Evidence-Based Practices, Prevention, Program Implementation |
| National Distribution of Certified Peer Support Specialists in the United States by State, District, and Territory | Reports | This article provides datasets of substance use and mental health peer support specialists across the U.S. The data collections show how much support each state... | Research |
| National Institute of Justice Crime Solutions: Strengthening Families Program | Website | This is a family-based intervention that seeks to reduce substance use and other problem behaviors in youth ages 10–14. The program is rated Promising. Treatment... | Prevention, Program Implementation, Research, Treatment |
| National Vital Statistics Report: Drug Overdose Mortality by Usual Occupation and Industry: 46 U.S. States and New York City, 2020 | Reports | Authors: Rachael M. Billock, Ph.D., Andrea L. Steege, Ph.D., and Arialdi Miniño, M.P.H. This report describes deaths from drug overdoses in 2020 in U.S. residents... | Research |
| National Voluntary Consensus Standards for the Treatment of Substance Use Conditions: Evidence-Based Treatment Practices: Evidence-Based Treatment Practices | Reports | Over the past 15 years, scientific knowledge has increased substantially regarding the use of effective, evidence-based therapies for treating people with substance use conditions. As... | Evaluation, Evidence-Based Practices, Program Implementation |
| Nature newsletter advice on teaching online | Print Media (i.e. newsletter or bulletin) | Here is a link to another resource with advice about online teaching: | Program Implementation |
| Navigating Ketamine | Webinar | Dr. Howard Cohen, MD, presents on Ketamine and its route of administration, effects, screening tools, and its understanding of class. | Research, Treatment |
| Needs assessment and preparatory work for addiction science programs at universities: experiences of universities in South Africa | Journal Article | Authors: Rehana Kader, Rajen Govender, Warren Cornelius, Lameze Abrahams, Fergus Ashburner, Nurain Tisaker, Michal Miovský & Nadine Harker <p><span style="font-family:open sans,sans-serif; font-size:17.6px">This paper discusses the... | Case Study, Evaluation, Evidence-Based Practices, Prevention, Program Implementation, Research, Treatment |
| New AI method for public health analysis shows trends in substance use among high schoolers | Journal Article | | Research |
| New Drugs, Old Misery: The Challenge of Fentanyl, Meth, and Other Synthetic Drugs | Reports | If, in 2015, someone had told you that the number of overdose deaths caused solely by the two most historically lethal drugs—heroin and cocaine—would drop... | Advocacy / Policy, Evaluation, Evidence-Based Practices, Prevention, Research, Treatment |
| New research reveals orexin antagonists as potential therapy for drug addiction | Other | | Research |
| Next Generation of UPC Innovations for Broader Dissemination | Presentation Slides | Vision for UPC implementation | Prevention |
| NIAAA 50th Anniversary Festschrift: A Look Back and A Look Ahead | Journal Article | NIAAA’s 50th anniversary is truly a highlight in the history of public health. More than 5 decades ago, a group of researchers, advocates, and elected officials... | Advocacy / Policy, Evaluation, Research |
| NIDA Abstracts Database | Tools | Search NIDA abstracts by researcher name, title, subject, country, region, and more. | |
| NIDA Fellows World Map | Tools | NIDA International Program Fellows come from many countries around the world. Find the names of individual fellows and links to their journal articles indexed in... | |
| NIDA Fellowships for Postdoctoral Training | Other | Several opportunities are available for scientists who want postdoctoral research training and professional development opportunities. The majority of Fellowships offer a one-year training opportunity... | |
| NIDA Grants and Funding | Other | Locate the latest information about research priorities and progress, funding opportunities, research initiatives, and resources to support basic and clinical research addressing substance use disorders.... | |
| NIDA Hubert H. Humphrey Drug Use and Addiction Research Fellowship | Other | International research and exchange collaborations contribute to advances in scientific understanding about drug use and addiction. To foster these exchanges, the National Institute on Drug... | |
| NIDA News Release: Marijuana and hallucinogen use, binge drinking reached historic highs among adults 35 to 50 | Print Media (i.e. newsletter or bulletin) | Past-year use of marijuana and hallucinogens by adults 35 to 50 years old continued a long-term upward trajectory to reach all-time highs in 2022, according... | Research |
| NIDA Online Research Tools | Tools | Explore research design tools, locate Open Access research evidence, find NIDA International fellowship alumni and poster presenters, and publish your research. These online tools help... | |
| NIDA Strategic Plan 2022-2026 | Print Media (i.e. newsletter or bulletin) | The National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) is the lead federal agency supporting scientific research on drug use and addiction. After decades of research, we... | Advocacy / Policy |
| NIH Guide to Grants and Contracts | Other | Find Grant Funding The NIH Guide for Grants and Contracts is NIH's official publication of notices of grant policies, guidelines and funding opportunity announcements (FOAs).... | |
| NIH launches harm reduction research network to prevent overdose fatalities | Journal Article | | Prevention |
| Nonmedical Use of Stimulants Among Students in Jordan: A Nationwide Study | Journal Article | Objectives: Nonmedical use (NMU) of stimulants is an increasingly common phenomenon worldwide. Motivated by enhancing academic performance, peer pressure, and seeking pleasure, students in the... | Research |
| Normalization of Prevention Principles and Practices to Reduce Substance Use Disorders Through an Integrated Dissemination and Implementation Framework | Journal Article | Authors: Zili Sloboda, Kimberly A. Johnson, Diana H. Fishbein, C. Hendricks Brown, J. Douglas Coatsworth, Dean L. Fixsen, Denise Kandel, Mallie J. Paschall, Fernando Salazar Silva, Harry Sumnall, Michael Vanyukov Major research breakthroughs over the past 30 years in the field of substance use prevention... | Prevention, Program Implementation |
| North Carolina pharmacists’ willingness to sell fentanyl test strips: a survey study | Journal Article | Although fentanyl test strips (FTS) can accurately determine the presence of fentanyl in unregulated substances, access to FTS remains limited. This study aimed to examine... | Research, Treatment |
| Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Model Programs Guide | Website | The Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention’s (OJJDP’s) Model Programs Guide (MPG) contains information about evidence-based juvenile justice and youth prevention, intervention, and reentry... | Evaluation, Prevention, Program Implementation, Treatment |
| Online Learning Problem Solving Group 3 | Course | https://youtu.be/Xxge5vwMh2A | Program Implementation |
| Online Problem Solving Group recording | Course | Online Problem Solving Group: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E1L7H2BPiuI&feature=youtu.be | Program Implementation |
| Opening up the black box of recovery processes in persons with complex mental health needs: a qualitative study of place-making dynamics in a low-threshold meeting place | Journal Article | Background The recovery processes of persons with complex mental health needs take a slow and unpredictable course. Despite the fact that a number of essential... | Research |
| Opioid Misuse and Associated Health Risks among Adults on Probation and Parole: Prevalence and Correlates 2015–2020 | Journal Article | Authors: Maria MorrisonORCID, Audrey Hang Hai, Yohita Shraddha Bandaru, Christopher P. Salas-Wright &Michael G. Vaughn As state legislatures work to reduce prison populations and increase... | Research, Treatment |
| Opioid Prevention Campaign | Implementation Toolkit | Mid-America ATTC (MATTC) partnered with the Ethnic Communities Opioid Response Network in Missouri, the Addiction Policy Forum, and the Opioid Response Network (ORN in IA,... | Prevention |
| Opioid Use and Nutrition | Other | Twitter chat with experts on OUD and nutrition. | Advocacy / Policy, Program Implementation, Research, Treatment |
| Opioid-Overdose Reduction Continuum of Care Approach (ORCCA): A Policymakers Guide to Implementing Evidence-Based Strategies that Address Opioid Overdose | Reports | The HEALing Communities Initiative, the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) and the NIH Helping to End Addiction Long-term (HEAL) Initiative® launched the Opioid-Overdose Reduction... | Advocacy / Policy, Evidence-Based Practices, Research, Treatment |
| Outpatient Alcohol Withdrawal Management: A Tool for Global Practice Settings | Webinar | Alexander Baldacchino, Linda Frazier, Darius Rastegar, and Audra Stock present on management through outpatient alcohol withdrawal. | Treatment |
| Outpatient Alcohol Withdrawal Management: A Tool for Global Practice Settings | Tools | This tool aims to summarize as simply and accurately as possible the must do’s for assessing and treating patients at risk of alcohol withdrawal across... | Advocacy / Policy |
| Overdose deaths involving buprenorphine did not proportionally increase with new flexibilities in prescribing | Journal Article | | Research |
| Overdose mortality incidence and supervised consumption services in Toronto, Canada: an ecological study and spatial analysis | Journal Article | Authors: Indhu Rammohan, MSc, Tommi Gaines, PhD, Ayden Scheim, PhD, Ahmed Bayoumi, MD, Dan Werb, PhD This article looks at the association between Supervised Consumption... | Prevention, Research, Treatment |
| Overdose Prevention and Response Toolkit | Tools | This updated toolkit from SAMHSA provides guidance on opioid overdose reversal medications, addresses stimulant overdoses, and includes population-specific information. Anyone can now see how they... | Evidence-Based Practices, Treatment |
| Overview of university-based academic programs in addiction studies in Africa | Journal Article | | Case Study, Evaluation, Research |
| Parenting and other potential protective factors associated with polysubstance use among public school students in Lagos, Nigeria | Journal Article | Authors: Martin O. Agwogie, Wendy Kliewer Substance use is a growing problem in Nigeria. The present study extended recent work documenting the importance of parenting as... | Prevention, Research |
| Participation in methadone programs improves antiretroviral uptake and HIV viral suppression among people who inject drugs in Kenya | Journal Article | Abstract Background: HIV prevalence among people who inject drugs (PWID) in Kenya is estimated to be 18% compared to 4.5% in the general population. Studies from... | Research |
| Partnerships Between Public Health and Public Safety to Reduce Drug Overdoses | Journal Article | Authors: Mital, Sasha PhD, MPH; O'Brien, Mallory PhD, MS A supplement to the Journal of Public Health Management and Practice The drug overdose crisis has greatly... | Evidence-Based Practices, Research, Treatment |
| Patient Characteristics Associated with Opioid Abstinence after Participation in a Trial of Buprenorphine versus Injectable Naltrexone | Journal Article | Better understanding of predictors of opioid abstinence among patients with opioid use disorder (OUD) may help to inform interventions and personalize treatment plans. This analysis... | Research, Treatment |
| Perspectives on Prescribing Opioids for Chronic Pain in Cancer Survivors | Website | Author: Meg Brunner, MLIS The purpose of this study, part of NIDA Clinical Trials Network protocol CTN-0115, was to talk to different types of clinicians about... | Research, Treatment |
| Pharmaceutical Care in the Treatment of Substance Use Disorders in Jordan: A Randomized Controlled Trial | Journal Article | Authors: Haya Yasin, Nailya Bulatova & Mayyada Wazaify Background: Substance Use Disorder is a chronic relapsing disease that is characterized by compulsive drug seeking and... | Treatment |
| Pharmacological approaches to methamphetamine dependence: a focused review | Journal Article | Abstract Methamphetamine dependence is a serious worldwide public health problem with major medical, psychiatric, socioeconomic and legal consequences. Various neuronal mechanisms implicated in methamphetamine dependence... | Research |
| Placebo Response and Media Attention in Randomized Clinical Trials Assessing Cannabis-Based Therapies for Pain: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis | Journal Article | Question What is the size of the placebo response in cannabinoid trials for clinical pain, and is the magnitude of placebo response associated with media attention... | Research, Treatment |
| Policy change to support development of academic program in addiction studies, and enhance addiction | Other | Webinar presentations by Zall Kepli Md Rejab, Ph.D and Saddiqua Aishaa. The focus of the session is on policy change to support the development of... | Program Implementation |
| Potential brain recovery of frontostriatal circuits in heroin users after prolonged abstinence: A preliminary study | Journal Article | Neuroscientists have devoted efforts to explore potential brain recovery after prolonged abstinence in heroin users (HU). However, not much is known about whether frontostriatal circuits... | Research, Treatment |
| Practical Guide for Implementing a Trauma-Informed Approach | Tools | | Treatment |
| Practice-driven Conceptual and Organizational Framework for Promoting the Adoption and Implementation of EBP | Presentation Slides | | Evidence-Based Practices, Program Implementation |
| Practicing What We Teach: Trauma-Informed Educational Practice | Journal Article | This article presents the starting case for applying the elements of trauma-informed care (TIC) to education and outlines the authors’ initial efforts to develop guidelines... | Program Implementation |
| Preaddiction—A Missing Concept for Treating Substance Use Disorders | Journal Article | Despite decades of federal funding to develop and deliver treatments for individuals with serious addictions, treatment penetration rates are less than 20%.1 Facing a similar situation,... | Program Implementation, Treatment |
| Predictors of COVID-19 vaccine uptake among people who use substances: a case study in Tehran | Journal Article | This case study surveyed adults in Tehran on Covid-19 vaccine uptake to look at the rate of vaccination among people using illcit substances. | Case Study |
| Predictors of substance use disorder symptoms among women in Katsina State, Nigeria | Journal Article | Authors: Martin Osayande Agwogie, Wendy Kliewer, Muhammed Bashir Ibrahim Problems associated with substance use are on the rise among women in northern Nigeria, creating a need... | Research |
| Predictors of substance use treatment initiation and engagement among adult and adolescent Medicaid recipients | Journal Article | It is important to understand patterns and predictors of initiation and engagement in treatment for Medicaid-covered individuals with substance use disorders because Medicaid is a... | Research, Treatment |
| Preparing an Addiction Study Program Based on Learning Outcomes | Presentation Slides | Provides guidance for addiction study program implementation | Case Study, Program Implementation |
| Prescribed safer supply during dual public health emergencies: a qualitative study examining service providers perspectives on early implementation | Journal Article | Authors: J. McCall, H. Hobbs, C. Ranger, F. Cameron, H. Stuart, J. Nelken, J. Majalahti, K. Urbanoski, G. Kolla, J. LeMaistre, K. Toombs, R. Herriot & Bernie Pauly This article examines prescription safer supply programs and their ability to... | Evaluation, Evidence-Based Practices, Prevention |
| Presentation on getting published by Richard Pates | Video | This video is the kick off meeting of the first ICUDDR learning collaborative on getting scientific papers published. It covers the basics of writing and... | Advocacy / Policy, Evaluation, Prevention, Program Implementation, Research, Treatment |
| Prevalence and clinical impact of alcohol withdrawal syndrome in alcohol-associated hepatitis and the potential role of prophylaxis: a multinational, retrospective cohort study | Journal Article | The prevalence and impact of alcohol withdrawal syndrome (AWS) in patients with alcohol-associated hepatitis (AH) are unknown. In this study, we aimed to investigate the... | Research, Treatment |
| Prevalence of Alcohol in Unintentional Opioid Overdose Deaths, 2017-2020 | Journal Article | Although there is substantial literature on opioid overdose deaths (OODs) and polysubstance use, involvement of alcohol in these deaths is less clear. We investigated the... | Research |
| Prevalence, correlates, and reasons for substance use among adolescents aged 10–17 in Ghana: a cross-sectional convergent parallel mixed-method study | Journal Article | Authors: Sylvester Kyei-Gyamfi, Frank Kyei-Arthur, Nurudeen Alhassan, Martin Wiredu Agyekum, Prince Boamah Abrah & Nuworza Kugbey This study examines substance use among adolescents in Ghana. | Research |
| Prevención escolar del uso de sustancias psicoactivas - Retos en los tiempos del COVID-19 | Other | Webinar, presented in Spanish, by Fernando Salazar Silva, Ph.D., Professor Principal, Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia | Prevention |
| Preventing Substance Use Among Young Adults with Disabilities | Reports | This report encourages the substance use community to provide improved prevention services for young adults with disabilities. This population is at a time of significant... | Advocacy / Policy, Prevention |
| Prevention and Treatment of Anxiety, Depression, and Suicidal Thoughts and Behaviors Among College Students | Tools | This guide presents five evidence-based programs and practices that address the prevention and treatment of common mental health concerns: gatekeeper trainings, mindfulness-based stress reduction, acceptance... | Advocacy / Policy, Evidence-Based Practices, Program Implementation |
| Prevention Education: UPC, Drug Prevention and Risk Behavior Prevention | Webinar | Originally held on December 8, 2022, this webinar was presented by Helena Horálek from the Department of Addictology, Charles University, Prague. | |
| Prevention Science and Its Application to Evidence-Based Substance Use Prevention Interventions and Policies - The Role of Universities | Presentation Slides | Master Class: The importance of prevention in addiction studies and the need to implement programs in Universities | Prevention, Program Implementation |
| Prior Periods of Abstinence Among Adults With an Alcohol Use Disorder: A Qualitative Template Analysis | Journal Article | Authors: Orrin D. Ware oware@unc.edu, Breanna Labos, Daniella Hudgins, Nathan A. Irvin, Megan E. Buresh, Cecilia L. Bergeria, and Mary M. Sweeney | Research |
| Problematic alcohol use among gay, bisexual, and other men who have sex with men in Canada: the role of proximal stressors and anxiety | Journal Article | Authors: Dale Terasaki, Aimee Ellinwood, and Dan White This article examines the relationship between various stressors and problematic alcohol use among gay, bisexual, and other men... | Research |
| Problematic social media use and alcohol expectancies in early adolescents | Journal Article | | Research |
| Procesos de Investigación y Apropiación Social del Conocimiento | Video | En Español Juan F. Herrera, Natalia Galeano, Ana M. Quiceno y Catalina Arango Escula Contra la Drogadicción, Gobernación de Antioquia | Research |
| Psychoactive Substances and the Developing Brain: New Findings Underscore Prevention Need | Print Media (i.e. newsletter or bulletin) | Recent research on the brain is showing how the use of nicotine, alcohol, cannabis, and other psychoactive substances can impactthe developing brains of children. Evidence-based... | Prevention, Research |
| Psychological interventions implementation manual | Other | Evidence-based psychological interventions are an important part of health, social, protection and education services and can help increase access to effective mental health treatments and... | Program Implementation |
| Psychological well-being of Ukrainian students three months after the emerge of full-scale war | Journal Article | This study demonstrated the high prevalence of mental health symptoms among university students in Ukraine during the first months of the full-scale war. The psychological... | Case Study, Research |
| Psychometric Properties of Measures of Substance Use: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Reliability, Validity and Diagnostic Test Accuracy | Journal Article | | Evaluation |
| Psychosocial Interventions for Older Adults With Serious Mental Illness | Brochure | The guide provides considerations and strategies for interdisciplinary teams, peer specialists, clinicians, registered nurses, behavioral health organizations, and policy makers in understanding, selecting, and implementing... | Treatment |
| Public Domain Photos from the Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs | Tools | This resource contains nuanced photos related to alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs hosted by The Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs that are in... | Evidence-Based Practices, Program Implementation |
| Publicacion de Articulos Cientificos Sobre la Reduccion de la Demanda Drogas | Other | Webinario con Rodrigo Goycolea y Ariadne Rivera | Research |
| Publishing Addiction Science | Webinar | Dr. Richard Pates continues presenting how to conduct a scientific publication. | Research |
| Publishing Addiction Science | Course | Publishing Addiction Science: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CToIwsDRjUo&feature=youtu.be | Research |
| Publishing Addiction Science - 30 November 2020 | Other | | Research |
| Publishing Addiction Science Part 1 | Webinar | Dr. Richard Pates presents part 1 on how to properly write a journal/ article on addiction studies. | Research |
| Publishing Addiction Science Part 2 | Webinar | Dr. Richard Pates continues presenting on approaching a research paper for publication on addiction science. | Research |
| Publishing Addiction Science Part 3 | Webinar | Dr. Richard Pates continues his presentation on how to publish addiction science journals. | Research |
| Publishing Addiction Science Part 4 | Webinar | Dr. Richard Pates continues presenting on how to publish addiction science journals. | Research |
| Publishing Addiction Science Part 5 | Webinar | Dr. Richard Pates continues presenting on how to publish research on addiction science. | Research |
| Publishing Addiction Science, series 2 final session | Course | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fv5Snfxb7j0 | Research |
| Publishing Addiction Science: Guide for the Perplexed | Other | Publishing Addiction Science is a comprehensive guide for addiction scientists facing the complex process of contributing to scholarly journals. Written by an international group of addiction... | Evaluation, Research |
| Quadruple pharmacotherapy for alcohol use disorder tolerable yet insufficient: a case report | Journal Article | Authors: Dale Terasaki, Aimee Ellinwood & Dan White This case study examines the use of multiple AUD medications for a patient and their ability to prevent... | Case Study |
| Qualitative Exploration of the Experiences of People Who Use Captagon and Therapists in Jordan | Journal Article | Authors: Mayyada Wazaify,Yara M. Al-Khateeb,Baseem Musleh,Hamza Al-Smadi &Christina Steenkamp Background: Captagon (Fenethylline) is an amphetamine type stimulant (ATS) and one of the most popular substances... | Research, Treatment |
| Quality Improvement in Addiction Treatment part one | Video | This is part one of two videos of a training on quality improvement conducted by Kimberly Johnson for students at Charles University in Prague, Czech... | Program Implementation, Treatment |
| Quality Improvement in Addiction Treatment part two | Video | This is the second half of a day long training on quality improvement in addiction treatment provided by Kimberly Johnson to students at Charles University... | Program Implementation, Treatment |
| Quality Standards and Competencies for University and Higher Education Addiction Study Programs | Journal Article | Exponential growth of addiction specific services accelerated the need and pressure on professionalizing workforce. The aim of the paper is to describe and reflect the... | Evaluation |
| Quitting Alcohol for Health | Course | What is alcohol dependence? How is alcohol consumption measured? Is there a definition for “moderate drinking”? To answer these questions and many more, WiRED International... | Treatment |
| R Workshop Series | Webinar | This is an introductory course that provides hands-on experience in learning R, an interactive environment for statistical computing. R is a free, open-source software that... | Research |
| Race Differences in the Association Between Binge Drinking and Treatment Among First-Time Justice-System-Impacted Youth | Journal Article | We aim to determine whether there are racial/ethnic differences in the association between binge drinking frequency and community-based alcohol treatment among justice-system-impacted adolescents and young... | Research, Treatment |
| Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Emergency Department-Initiated Buprenorphine Across 5 Healthcare Systems | Journal Article | Opioid overdose deaths have disproportionately impacted Black and Hispanic populations, in part due to disparities in treatment access. Emergency departments (EDs) serve as a resource... | Advocacy / Policy, Evidence-Based Practices, Research, Treatment |
| Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Emergency Department-Initiated Buprenorphine Across 5 Healthcare Systems | Journal Article | Background Opioid overdose deaths have disproportionately impacted Black and Hispanic populations, in part due to disparities in treatment access. Emergency departments (EDs) serve as a... | Research, Treatment |
| Racial-Ethnic Differences in Lack of Treatment Among Care-Seeking People With Substance Use Disorders | Other | This study documents disparities in access to substance disorder (SUD) treatments among different ethnicities and racial demographics. The study discusses barriers to access for SUD... | Research |
| Racial/ethnic discrimination and tobacco and cannabis use outcomes among US adults | Journal Article | Racial/ethnic discrimination (hereafter, discrimination) is associated with use of individual tobacco and cannabis products. However, we know little about how discrimination affects dual/polytobacco and cannabis... | Research |
| Racial/ethnic disparities in timely receipt of buprenorphine among Medicare disability beneficiaries | Journal Article | Authors: Jennifer Miles, Peter Treitler, Richard Hermida, Amesika N. Nyaku, Kosali Simon, Sumedha Gupta, Stephen Crystal, Hillary Samples Medicare disability beneficiaries (MDBs) have disproportionately high risk of opioid use disorder (OUD) and related harms given high rates of comorbidities and high-dose... | Research, Treatment |
| Rapid Assessment of Knowledge, Attitudes and Practices Relating to Synthetic Drugs In Nigeria | Reports | This report highlights the findings of a rapid assessment conducted to explore the knowledge, attitudes, and practices (KAP) concerning synthetic drugs among three key groups:... | Prevention |
| Rapid Initiation of Injection Naltrexone for Opioid Use Disorder: A Stepped-Wedge Cluster Randomized Clinical Trial | Journal Article | This article examines the possibility of the rapid procedure for XR-naltrexone initiation. They found that the rapid procedure was noninferior to the standard procedure. | Research, Treatment |
| Reason to worry about fentanyl in American schools | Other | | |
| Reasons for Purchasing Cannabis From Illegal Sources in Legal Markets: Findings Among Cannabis Consumers in Canada and U.S. States, 2019–2020 | Journal Article | Authors: Samantha Goodman, Ph.D., Elle Wadsworth, Ph.D., & David Hammond, Ph.D Nonmedical cannabis is legal in Canada and several U.S. states. Displacing the illegal market is a primary goal of... | Research |
| Receipt of Telehealth Services, Receipt and Retention of Medications for Opioid Use Disorder, and Medically Treated Overdose Among Medicare Beneficiaries Before and During the COVID-19 Pandemic | Journal Article | In this cohort study including 175,778 beneficiaries, receipt of OUD-related telehealth services during the COVID-19 pandemic was associated with improved MOUD retention and lower odds... | Treatment |
| Recommendations for future national Drug Policies | Brochure | By the Working Group on establishing education and training programmes in the field of addictions. | Advocacy / Policy, Research |
| Recovery and Recovery Support (SAMHSA) | Website | This site, focused on Recovery and Recovery Support, includes guiding principles, dimensions of recovery, resources for training and technical assistance, a newsroom, and more. | Evidence-Based Practices, Program Implementation |
| Recovery Capital | Webinar | Dr. Robert Granfield, Vice Provost for Faculty Affairs, speaks on the development and growth of recovery capital. He expounds on the four components of recovery... | Evaluation, Research |
| Recovery-Oriented, Person-Centered Behavioral Treatment | Pamphlet or Fact Sheet | This is a fact sheet regarding the importance of person-centered behavioral treatment. It includes information on how best to handle recovery and the necessities needed... | Treatment |
| Recreational cannabis legalization has had limited effects on a wide range of adult psychiatric and psychosocial outcomes | Journal Article | The causal impacts of recreational cannabis legalization are not well understood due to the number of potential confounds. We sought to quantify possible causal effects... | Research |
| Recreational Marijuana Legalization, Local Retail Availability, and Alcohol and Marijuana Use and Co-Use Among California High School Students | Journal Article | Author: SHARON E. O’HARA, DR.P.H, MALLIE J. PASCHALL, PH.D., a & JOEL W. GRUBE, PH.D This study examined whether recreational marijuana legalization (RML) and local retail... | Research |
| Relapse Prevention Group Therapy in Indonesia Involving Peers via Videoconferencing for Substance Use Disorder: Development and Feasibility Study | Journal Article | This study aimed (1) to describe the development of a new group psychotherapy coprovided by a health care worker and a peer and (2) to... | Evidence-Based Practices, Treatment |
| Relationship between alcohol use and firearm-involved suicide: Findings from the National Violent Death Reporting System, 2003-2020 | Journal Article | Authors:Kawon V. Kim, MPH, Jürgen Rehm, PhD, Mark S. Kaplan, DrPH, Shannon Lange, PhD Acute alcohol intoxication is a contributing factor in firearm-involved suicides. However,... | Research |
| Relationships Between Alcohol Policies and Infant Morbidities and Injuries | Journal Article | Authors: Alex Schulte, BSPH, Guodong Liu, PhD, Meenakshi S. Subbaraman, PhD, William C. Kerr, PhD, Douglas Leslie, PhD, Sarah C.M. Roberts, DrPH This article explores the... | Evaluation, Research |
| Reorganization of Substance Use Treatment and Harm Reduction Services During the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Global Survey | Journal Article | | Research, Treatment |
| Report to the Secretariat: World situation with regard to drug abuse | Other | | Research |
| Researchers with Lived Experience: Closing the Research-to-Practice Gap in Substance Use Systems of Care | Website | Authors: Camille C. Cioffi, PhD, Patrick F. Hibbard, PhD, Angela Hagaman, DrPh, Martha Tillson, PhD., Noel Vest, PhD. A pressing challenge to address the current overdose crisis is to facilitate... | Prevention |
| Retos y desafíos en la formación del recurso humano en drohodependencias por parte de las Universidades | Presentation Slides | Challenges in workforce development in addictions as it relates to Universities | Program Implementation |
| Review of competency-based models and quality standards in training and education in the addiction field | Journal Article | This article highlights the need for a competent workforce to address global substance use issues through education. It gives an overview of assessment, early detection,... | Prevention, Treatment |
| Rhythmic engagement therapy improved drug use abstinence better than cognitive behavioural therapy among individuals with substance use disorder | Journal Article | The following journal article compares the effectiveness of Rhythmic Engagement Therapy (RET) and Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) in managing relapse among individuals with substance use... | Evidence-Based Practices, Prevention, Program Implementation, Research |
| Risk Factors for Substance Use among University Students in Ukraine during Wartime | Journal Article | This article, from ICUDDR Board Member Dr. Irina Pinchuk, analyzes the impact of the current and ongoing conflict in Ukraine on substance use among youth,... | Research |
| Risks of returning to opioid use at treatment entry and early in opioid use disorder treatment: Role of non-opioid substances | Journal Article | Authors: Felipe Castillo, Mei-Chen Hu, Ying Liu, Raymond R. Balise, Roger D. Weiss, John Rotrosen, Edward V. Nunes, Andrew J. Saxon, Daniel J. Feaster, Sean X. Luo Patients in treatment with medications for opioid use disorder (MOUD) often report use of other substances in addition to... | Research, Treatment |
| Role of Competencies and Attitudes in Training for Family Prevention Programme Facilitators | Journal Article | Authors: Carmen Orte, Lidia Sánchez-Prieto, Belén Pascual, Joan Amer Research-supported family programmes are proven to be effective in reducing dysfunctional behaviours in youth. A fundamental... | Research |
| Safety of e-cigarettes and nicotine patches as stop-smoking aids in pregnancy: Secondary analysis of the Pregnancy Trial of E-cigarettes and Patches (PREP) randomized controlled trial | Journal Article | This study explores the safety of e-cigarettes and nicotine patches for helping pregnant women quit smoking in England and Scotland. The authors concluded that regular... | Research, Treatment |
| SAMHSA 2022 National Survey on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH) | Reports | Conducted annually, the National Survey on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH) provides nationally representative data on the use of tobacco, alcohol, and drugs; substance use... | Advocacy / Policy, Case Study, Evaluation |
| SAMHSA Clinical Advisory: Considerations for Genetic Testing in the Assessment of Substance Use Disorder Risk | Other | The following document talks about the role of genetic testing in assessing the risk of Substance Use Disorders (SUDs). It covers the nature of SUDs,... | Advocacy / Policy, Evidence-Based Practices, Prevention, Research |
| SAMHSA Strategic Plan 2023-2026 | Other | The 2023–2026 SAMHSA Strategic Plan presents a new person-centered mission and vision highlighting key guiding principles and presenting new priorities, goals, and objectives. To achieve... | Evidence-Based Practices, Prevention, Research, Treatment |
| SAMHSA Strategic Prevention Framework Guide – In English and Spanish | Implementation Toolkit | SAMHSA developed the Strategic Prevention Framework (SPF). The five steps and two guiding principles of the SPF offer prevention planners a comprehensive approach to understanding... | Evidence-Based Practices, Prevention |
| School’s Guide to Implementation | Course | An interactive online course, which guides you through some key activities in the guidance report. The course contains two video case studies of schools that... | Case Study, Program Implementation |
| Selecting Best-fit Programs and Practices: Guidance for Substance Misuse Prevention Practitioners | Pamphlet or Fact Sheet | | Prevention |
| Self-reported narcissistic traits in patients with addiction through the lens of the ICD-11 model for personality disorders | Journal Article | | Research |
| Serving Alcohol to an “Obviously Intoxicated” Patron | Journal Article | This article examines the rate of overservice of alcohol at on-premise establishments in the San Francisco Bay Area. | |
| Should You Talk to Someone About a Drug, Alcohol, or Mental Health Problem? (Chinese) | Brochure | This resource is in Chinese. Lists questions consumers can ask themselves to help them decide whether to seek help for a substance abuse problem,... | Prevention, Treatment |
| Should You Talk to Someone About a Drug, Alcohol, or Mental Health Problem? (Russian) | Brochure | This resource is in Russian. Lists questions consumers can ask themselves to help them decide whether to seek help for a substance abuse problem, a... | |
| Should You Talk to Someone About a Drug, Alcohol, or Mental Health Problem? (Vietnamese) | Brochure | This resource is in Vietnamese. Lists questions consumers can ask themselves to help them decide whether to seek help for a substance abuse problem, a... | Prevention, Treatment |
| Smoking changes adaptive immunity with persistent effects | Journal Article | This article discusses the impact of various factors on immune response, and finds smoking as a major contributor. | Research |
| Society of Addiction Psychology Addiction Course Syllabus Repository | Website | We were thinking about developing a syllabus repository, but there is already one available. Please see the website for course syllabi for undergraduate and graduate... | Program Implementation, Research, Treatment |
| Society of Addiction Psychology: American Psychological Association Division 50 | Website | | Case Study, Program Implementation |
| Socioeconomic position indicators and risk of alcohol-related medical conditions: A national cohort study from Sweden | Journal Article | Authors: Alexis C. Edwards, Sara Larsson Lönn, Karen G. Chartier, Séverine Lannoy, Jan Sundquist, Kenneth S. Kendler, Kristina Sundquist. This article examines the relationship between... | Research |
| Sociology and public health: Perspectives for application | Journal Article | | |
| Spanish University Postgraduate Training on Addictions: The Historic Development and its Current Situation | Journal Article | Corresponding author: Fran Calvo Drug dependence is a public health problem that requires trained professionals to effectively address this issue. The aim of this study... | Treatment |
| State Cannabis Legalization and Cannabis Use Disorder in the US Veterans Health Administration, 2005 to 2019 | Journal Article | In this observational study of sequential yearly Veterans Health Administration electronic health record data from 2005 to 2019, CUD rates increased from 1.38% to 2.25%... | Research |
| State Cannabis Legalization and Psychosis-Related Health Care Utilization | Journal Article | Objective To evaluate the association of state medical and recreational cannabis laws and commercialization with rates of psychosis-related health care utilization. Main Outcomes and Measures Outcomes were... | Research |
| State Opioid Treatment Program Regulations Put Evidence-Based Care Out of Reach for Many | Print Media (i.e. newsletter or bulletin) | Opioid treatment programs (OTPs) are the only health care facilities that can offer patients all three forms of medication for opioid use disorder: methadone, buprenorphine,... | Advocacy / Policy, Evidence-Based Practices, Research, Treatment |
| Strategic Prevention Framework | Other | Twitter Chat with Augie Diana, PhD, on the Strategic Prevention Framework (SPF) | Prevention |
| Students’ Experience with the Online Course in Prevention Science in Two Distinct University Settings: A Pilot Study | Journal Article | Authour: Katerina Lukavská, PhD In this study, researchers surveyed students following the pilot launch of the online INEP curriculum. This course was offered in February of... | Prevention, Program Implementation |
| Studying the Effect of the Unplugged Prevention Programme on Children Whose Mothers Report Drinking More Than Weekly | Journal Article | | Prevention |
| Substance Use and Mental Health: Preparing the Future Workforce | Webinar | Dr. Roger Peters gives an overview presentation on preparing the future workforce for substance use and mental health. | Evaluation, Prevention |
| Substance Use Disorder Treatment Month Toolkit | Tools | This month, SAMHSA is celebrating the first national Substance Use Disorder Treatment Month. SAMHSA is using this month to highlight resources that connect people to... | Advocacy / Policy, Program Implementation |
| Substance Use Disorders and Type 2 Diabetes: Integration of Evidence-Based Diabetes Care to Promote Quality Health Outcomes | Webinar | Speaker: Dr. Oluremi Adejumo ISSUP, ICUDDR, and IntNSA invite you to their recently concluded collaborative webinar for World Diabetes Day 2023. | Research, Treatment |
| Substance Use Disorders Keys To Education: Increasing Access to Science-Based Substance Use Content | Tools | The Substance Use Disorders Keys to Education Product (SUD Keys) was designed for educators, clinical supervisors, and recovery support specialists with the goal of increasing... | Program Implementation |
| Substance, use in relation to COVID-19: A scoping review | Journal Article | Authors: Mayyada Wazaify, Sukaina AlZyoud, Dania Shahin, Jenny Scott, Navin Kumar, Richard Pates & Kaveh Khoshnood Background: We conducted a scoping review focused on various... | Research |
| Substances in Counterfeit Prescription Pills Seized by Law Enforcement, 2017-2022 | Other | This research letter discusses the findings of law enforcement agenices in Rhoad Island, United States. These agencies were examining counterfeit pills and testing to see... | Case Study, Research, Treatment |
| Suggestions about treatment, care and rehabilitation of people with drug use disorder in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic | Brochure | UNODC developed document on maintaining treatment continuity in the context of the Covid 19 pandemic | Program Implementation, Treatment |
| Suicide Prevention Strategies for Underserved Youth | Reports | This resource guide from SAMHSA discusses youth suicide prevention among at-risk groups. This resource guides readers on identifying and implementing evidence-based programs, many of which... | Evidence-Based Practices, Prevention, Program Implementation |
| Supporting perinatal individuals with opioid use disorder and their newborns experiencing neonatal abstinence syndrome: impressions from patients and healthcare providers | Journal Article | Facilitating maternal-newborn involvement and care is critical for improving outcomes for perinatal individuals receiving opioid agonist therapy (OAT) and newborns experiencing Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome (NAS).... | Research |
| Supporting Recovery within the LGBTQI+ Community | Pamphlet or Fact Sheet | This fact sheet includes information on how best to support those who are part of the LGBTQA+ community during their recovery time. | Advocacy / Policy, Prevention, Treatment |
| Supporting Recovery within the LGBTQI+ Community Issue Brief | Journal Article | This article talks about how to support those who are part of the LGBTQA+ community throughout their recovery. It covers their well-beings and potential thoughts... | Treatment |
| Supporting students through COVID 19 | Video | Cary Hopkins Eyles presents a webinar on how to be supportive of students during these difficult times. Using Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs, she outlines ways... | Program Implementation |
| Survive or suffer: sustainability of addiction care curriculum/training in South African Universities | Journal Article | Authors: Nadine Harker, Lize Weich, Goodman Sibeko, Fergus Ashburner, Shaheema Allie, and Rehana Kader This article discusses the successes, challenges, and possible next steps regarding the... | Program Implementation |
| Suspected inappropriate use of prescription and non-prescription drugs among requesting customers: A Saudi community pharmacists’ perspective | Journal Article | Authors: Ayesha Yasmeen, Mamoon H. Syed, Saad S. Alqahtani, Nabeel Kashan Syed, Abdulkarim M. Meraya, Mayyada Wazaify, Marie-Claire Van Hout Background: Inappropriate use of medications... | Research |
| Synthesising evidence of the effects of COVID-19 regulatory changes on methadone treatment for opioid use disorder: implications for policy | Journal Article | As the USA faces a worsening overdose crisis, improving access to evidence-based treatment for opioid use disorder (OUD) remains a policy priority. Federal regulatory changes... | Advocacy / Policy, Research, Treatment |
| Take-home Naloxone at Opioid Treatment Programs: A Lifesaver | Journal Article | This editorial describes the various organizations, medical societies, and governmental agencies who may consider making robust actionable recommendations regarding naloxone for persons with opioid use... | Advocacy / Policy |
| TAP 21-A Competencies for Substance Abuse Treatment Clinical Supervisors | Other | This 72 page document includes implementation guidelines, foundation areas, performance domains, and a bilbiography. Part of SAMHSA's Technical Assistance Publication (TAP) Series. | Treatment |
| TAP 21: Addiction Counseling Competencies | Other | This guide enhances the competencies of substance use disorder treatment counselors. It discusses patient assessment and screening, treatment planning, referral, service coordination, counseling, family and... | Evaluation |
| TAP 32: Clinical Drug Testing in Primary Care | Other | This manual offers guidance to clinicians on implementing drug testing in their practice. It presents the mechanics of testing and outlines steps for preparing staff. | Prevention, Treatment |
| TAP 33: Systems-Level Implementation of Screening, Brief Intervention, and Referral to Treatment (SBIRT) | Other | This guide describes core elements of screening, brief intervention, and referral to treatment (SBIRT) programs for people living with or at risk for substance use... | Treatment |
| Ten Simple Rules to becoming a principle investigator | Journal Article | This is a fun article that is open source and helpful for junior faculty or students thinking they want to go into research. | Research |
| The association between temperature and alcohol- and substance-related disorder hospital visits in New York State | Journal Article | Authors: Robbie M. Parks, Sebastian T. Rowland1, Vivian Do, Amelia K. Boehme, Francesca Dominici, Carl L. Hart, & Marianthi-Anna Kioumourtzoglou Limited evidence exists on how... | Prevention, Research, Treatment |
| The Case for Behavioral Health Screening in HIV Care Settings | Reports | The report highlights the need for HIV treatment providers to address behavioral health concerns with HIV. The report urges providers to start with screening for... | Prevention, Treatment |
| The Center for Collegiate Recovery Communities (CRC) Model | Webinar | CRC assists people in recovery in their reintegration to society by increasing their recovery capital throughout the continuum of care. Founded in 1986, Texas Tech... | Treatment |
| The Coronavirus Threat: Key Topics in Infection Control | Website | Wired International Health Education and Information | |
| The cost of opioid use disorder-related conditions in Medicare | Journal Article | Medicare coverage excludes some levels of substance use disorder (SUD) care, such as intensive outpatient and residential treatment. Expanding access to SUD treatment could increase... | Advocacy / Policy, Treatment |
| The Culture of Prevention | Website | By Zili Sloboda, Sc.D., President,Applied Prevention Science International, & Susan B. David, M.P.H., Vice President, Applied Prevention Science International | Prevention |
| The dopamine 3 receptor as a candidate biomarker and therapeutic for opioid use disorder | Journal Article | Authors: Matthew L. Banks, Jon E. Sprague This article argues that the dopamine 3 receptor could serve as a biomarker for opioid use disorder. | Research, Treatment |
| The Drug Abuse Warning Network (DAWN) National Estimates from Drug-Related Emergency Department Visits, 2023 | Other | This report provides data on substance-related emergency department visits within the United States, focusing exclusively on U.S. hospitals. While the findings are limited to U.S.... | Evidence-Based Practices, Research, Treatment |
| The Effect of Vaping on Your Teeth, Gums & Oral Health | Pamphlet or Fact Sheet | | Research |
| The effectiveness of diversion programmes for offenders using Class A drugs: a systematic review and meta-analysis | Journal Article | Abstract Aims: To review existing evidence on effectiveness of community-based diversion programmes for Class A drug-using offenders. | Research, Treatment |
| The facts about Buprenorphine | Brochure | This 16 page booklet, created by SAMHSA, provides an overview and includes resources for more information and resources for help. | Prevention, Research, Treatment |
| The Facts About Buprenorphine for Treatment of Opioid Addiction (Vietnamese) | Brochure | This reosurce is in Vietnamese. This brochure informs patients about buprenorphine and medication-assisted treatment for opioid use disorder. It describes addiction and withdrawal, how buprenorphine... | Treatment |
| The global movement towards a public health approach to substance use disorders | Journal Article | | Prevention, Research, Treatment |
| The global movement towards a public health approach to substance use disorders | Journal Article | Drug misuse is a global problem. Markets that supply illegal drugs often span international borders. However, each country has different primary drugs of use, populations... | Advocacy / Policy, Case Study, Research |
| The Howard Street Method: A Community Pharmacy-Led Low Dose Overlap Buprenorphine Initiation Protocol for Individuals Using Fentanyl | Journal Article | Buprenorphine treatment significantly reduces morbidity and mortality for people with opioid use disorder. Fear of precipitated withdrawal remains a barrier to starting buprenorphine for patients... | Research, Treatment |
| The Impact of Menthol Cigarette Bans: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis | Journal Article | Authors: Sarah D Mills, PhD, MPH, Snigdha Peddireddy, MPH, Rachel Kurtzman, PhD, Frantasia Hill, MPH, Victor Catalan, BA, Jennifer S Bissram, MSIS, Kurt M Ribisl, PhD This article examines the impact of... | Advocacy / Policy, Evidence-Based Practices, Prevention |
| The impact of schizophrenia genetic load and heavy cannabis use on the risk of psychotic disorder in the EU-GEI case-control and UK Biobank studies | Journal Article | This study explores the independent and combined effects of heavy cannabis use and schizophrenia polygenic risk scores (PRS) on psychosis risk. Data was collected in... | Case Study, Research |
| The Next Step Toward a Better Life (Chinese version) | Brochure | This resource is in Chinese. Describes the stages of recovery from alcohol and drug abuse and what to expect after leaving detoxification services. Offers guidance... | Treatment |
| The Next Step Toward a Better Life (Russian version) | Brochure | This resource is in Russian. Describes the stages of recovery from alcohol and drug abuse and what to expect after leaving detoxification services. Offers guidance... | Treatment |
| THE ORIGIN, DEVELOPMENT, AND CURRENT STATUS OF THE HEALTH PROFESSION OF AN ADDICTOLOGIST IN THE CZECH REPUBLIC IN THE BROADER CONTEXT OF THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE ADDICTOLOGY FIELD | Journal Article | This article describes the process of development of a new profession of Addictology and the education programs designed to support the profession including competencies and... | Program Implementation |
| The Pretrial Detention Penalty: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Pretrial Detention and Case Outcomes | Journal Article | It has long been argued that defendants detained pretrial face more severe case outcomes than released defendants. Considering the magnitude, directionality, and significance of these... | Research |
| The prevalence of cannabis use disorders in people who use medicinal cannabis: A systematic review and meta-analysis | Journal Article | Authors: Danielle Dawson, Daniel Stjepanovic, Valentina Lorenzetti, Christy Cheung, Wayne Hall, Janni Leung This article is a systematic review examining the prevelance of cannabis use disorder among medicinal cannabis users, compared to that of recreational users. | Research |
| The public health risks of counterfeit pills | Other | The Catalan study explores clinicians' opinions on tobacco cessation services for cannabis users, revealing profound co-use rates, systemic barriers to treatment, and the need for... | Case Study, Evaluation, Research |
| The Role of Law Enforcement Officers in Drug Use Prevention within School Settings | Reports | UNODC, a Guiding Document This guiding document primarily aims to improve the effectiveness of pre-existing and ongoing work of Law Enforcement Officers (LEO) involved in... | Prevention |
| The Role of Qualitative Research in Addiction Science | Video | Webinar on The Role of Qualitative Research in Addiction Science with Dr. Richard Pates, Editor in Chief, Journal of Substance Use. | Research |
| The Role of Sociology in Health Affairs | Other | | |
| The SEED Method for Stakeholder Engagement | Tools | The SEED Method engages community stakeholders -- such as patients, caregivers, advocates, and health professionals -- through collaborative, participatory, and consultative processes to develop and... | Case Study, Evaluation, Program Implementation, Research |
| The Status of Quality Standards and Quality Improvement Content in Specialty Addiction Studies Programs: What our learners are exposed to- | Reports | Authors: Victor Capoccia, PhD, Dennis McCarty, PhD, Jordan W. Turner, MPH, Carly Michael Searcy, MIS, PMP Internationally, there is increased interest in enhanced access to quality... | Evidence-Based Practices, Program Implementation, Research |
| The trajectory of two negative symptom dimensions in first-episode psychosis and the role of cannabis use: A 10-year follow-up study | Journal Article | Objective To investigate the trajectories of diminished expression and apathy over 10 years. Further, to explore the effects of baseline- and persistent cannabis use on the development of... | Research |
| The Use of the Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test - Consumption as an Indicator of Hazardous Alcohol Use among University Students | Journal Article | The social acceptance of alcohol consumption promotes a culture of drinking among college students. In most countries, university life also coincides with the legal age... | Evidence-Based Practices, Prevention, Research, Treatment |
| The WHO ASSIST package for hazardous and harmful substance use | Tools | The ASSIST package, which consists of a brief questionnaire, a guide for health professionals on how to use the questionnaire in detecting and responding to... | Treatment |
| Tip 27: Comprehensive Case Management for Substance Abuse Treatment | Brochure | This guide presents an overview of case management for substance use disorder treatment providers. It discusses models, program evaluation, managed care issues, referral and service... | Treatment |
| TIP 33: Treatment for Stimulant Use Disorders | Brochure | This updated TIP reviews what is known about treating the medical, psychiatric, and SUD-related problems associated with the use of cocaine and methamphetamine, as well... | Treatment |
| TIP 35: Enhancing Motivation for Change in Substance Use Disorder Treatment | Pamphlet or Fact Sheet | This updated TIP includes the latest evidence on motivation-enhancing approaches and strategies. It describes how substance use disorder treatment providers can use these approaches and... | Evidence-Based Practices, Treatment |
| TIP 40: Clinical Guidelines for the Use of Buprenorphine in the Treatment of Opioid Addiction | Brochure | Provides consensus- and evidence-based guidance on the use of buprenorphine. Addresses screening and assessment and offers detailed protocols for opioid addiction treatment with buprenorphine, including... | Treatment |
| TIP 41: Substance Abuse Treatment: Group Therapy | Brochure | This TIP, Substance Abuse Treatment: Group Therapy, presents an overview of the role and efficacy of group therapy in substance abuse treatment planning. This TIP offers research... | Treatment |
| TIP 43 Curriculum: Medication-Assisted Treatment For Opioid Addiction in Opioid Treatment Programs Inservice Training | Brochure | This training manual provides counselors and other clinical staff with scripted modules and handouts to use in trainings for Treatment Improvement Protocol (TIP) 43: Medication-Assisted... | Program Implementation, Treatment |
| TIP 49: Incorporating Alcohol Pharmacotherapies Into Medical Practice: A Review of the Literature — Updates* | Brochure | The following updates were developed to keep current the literature review component of Treatment Improvement Protocol (TIP) 49, Incorporating Alcohol Pharmacotherapies Into Medical Practice, published... | Treatment |
| TIP 51 Quick Guide: Substance Abuse Treatment: Addressing the Specific Needs Of Women | Brochure | This Quick Guide accompanies the treatment improvement guidelines set forth in, Substance Abuse Treatment: Addressing the Specific Needs of Women, number 51 in the Treatment... | Treatment |
| TIP 52: Clinical Supervision and Professional Development of the Substance Abuse Counselor | Brochure | This manual presents guidelines for clinical supervision in the substance use disorder treatment field. It covers supervision methods and models, cultural competence, ethical and legal... | Program Implementation |
| TIP 53: Addressing Viral Hepatitis in People With Substance Use Disorders | Brochure | | |
| TIP 54: Managing Chronic Pain in Adults With or in Recovery From Substance Use Disorders | Brochure | This guide equips clinicians with information for treating chronic pain in adults living with a history of substance use. The guide discusses chronic pain management,... | Treatment |
| TIP 56 Quick Guide for Clinicians: Addressing the Specific Behavioral Health Needs of Men | Brochure | This Quick Guide provides succinct, easily accessible information to behavioral health clinicians about the specific treatment needs of men with substance use disorders (SUDs). The... | Treatment |
| TIP 56: Addressing the Specific Behavioral Health Needs of Men | Brochure | This guide addresses specific treatment needs of adult men living with substance use disorders. It reviews gender-specific research and best practices, such as common patterns... | Treatment |
| TIP 57: Trauma-Informed Care in Behavioral Health Services | Brochure | This manual helps behavioral health professionals understand the impact of trauma on those who experience it. The manual discusses patient assessment and treatment planning strategies.... | Treatment |
| TIP 60: Using Technology-Based Therapeutic Tools in Behavioral Health Services | Brochure | This manual assists clinicians with implementing technology-assisted care. It highlights the importance of using technology-based assessments and interventions in behavioral health treatment services. The manual... | Treatment |
| TIP 63: Medications for Opioid Use Disorder | Brochure | This Treatment Improvement Protocol (TIP) reviews the use of the three Food and Drug Administration (FDA)-approved medications used to treat OUD—methadone, naltrexone, and buprenorphine—and the... | Treatment |
| Tobacco Addiction | Journal Article | Smoking addiction causes substantial illness and death; morbidity and mortality are markedly reduced with cessation. Effective treatments for smoking addiction include medications and counseling. | Research, Treatment |
| Top Health Issues for LGBT Populations: Information & Resource Kit | Tools | This kit equips prevention professionals, health care providers, and educators with information on health issues among the lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) population. It... | Program Implementation |
| Training for Trainers in Addressing Psychological Trauma in Combat Veterans and POWs in Ukraine | Video | Ukraine TTC Training The Ukraine ITTC in collaboration with Charles University, 1st Faculty of Medicine, Department of Addictology, and the University of California San Diego,... | Evidence-Based Practices, Treatment |
| Trauma exposure across the lifespan among individuals engaged in treatment with medication for opioid use disorder: differences by gender, PTSD status, and chronic pain | Journal Article | Authors: Monique N. Rodríguez, Dana D. Colgan, Sarah Leyde, Kenneth Pike, Joseph O. Merrill & Cynthia J. Price This article examines lifetime trauma exposure among individuals... | Treatment |
| Treatment for Opioid Use Disorder: Population Estimates — United States, 2022 | Journal Article | In 2022, the United States reported 81,806 opiod overdose deaths, which is the highest ever recorded. Data showed that 3.7% of U.S. adults needed opiod... | Prevention, Research |
| Treatment of Drug Use Disorders and Associated Mental Health Disorders in Prison Settings and Forensic Hospitals | Pamphlet or Fact Sheet | This conference room paper was prepared by UNODC following various requests from Member States for technical assistance on treatment of drug use disorders and associated... | Treatment |
| Treatment of Drug Use Disorders and Associated Mental Health Disorders in Prison Settings and Forensic Hospitals | Journal Article | This conference room paper was prepared by UNODC following various requests from Member States for technical assistance on treatment of drug use disorders and associated... | Research, Treatment |
| Trends and Characteristics of Buprenorphine-Involved Overdose Deaths Prior to and During the COVID-19 Pandemic | Journal Article | Key Points Question Did buprenorphine-involved overdose deaths change after implementing prescribing flexibilities during the COVID-19 pandemic? Findings In this cross-sectional study including 74?474 opioid-involved overdose deaths, buprenorphine... | Case Study, Evaluation, Evidence-Based Practices, Treatment |
| Trends in Out-of-Pocket Costs for and Characteristics of Pharmacy-Dispensed Buprenorphine Medications for Opioid Use Disorder Treatment by Type of Payer, 2015 to 2020 | Journal Article | In this cross-sectional study of all-payer pharmaceutical data, findings showed that while mean daily out-of-pocket costs for buprenorphine decreased between 2015 and 2020, costs continued... | Advocacy / Policy, Treatment |
| Twitter Chat: Building Strength and Resilience During the COVID-19 Pandemic - A Focus on Parents | Other | ICUDDR in conversation with Dr. Hendree Jones, Professor at UNC Depertment of Obstetrics and Executive Director of UNC Horizons. | Treatment |
| Uganda Enrichment Session 2 | Course | | Advocacy / Policy, Program Implementation, Treatment |
| Uganda Enrichment Session 3 and Graduation | Course | | Treatment |
| Uganda Enrichment training Nov 2020 | Course | Uganda Enrichment: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wVZ3mM8zLx4 | |
| Ukraine Workforce Needs Assessment | Journal Article | This is a report on the methods and findings from a work force needs assessment conducted by the Ukraine ITTC. It is useful for ITTCs,... | Case Study, Program Implementation, Research |
| UN Toolkit on Synthetic Drugs: Public-Private Partnerships | Tools | Due to their capacity to leverage resources, expertise and innovation from both public and private sectors, public-private partnerships (PPPs) offer a variety of responses to... | Evidence-Based Practices, Prevention, Treatment |
| Understanding the role of financial capacity in the delivery of opioid use disorder treatment | Journal Article | Opioid treatment programs must have adequate financial capacity to sustain operations and deliver a high standard of care for individuals suffering from opioid use disorder.... | Advocacy / Policy, Research |
| United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime Data | Website | UNODC website with good mapping data on drug use trends and more using Tableau. | Research |
| United Nations Toolkit on Synthetic Drugs | Tools | Update: The toolkit is now available in all six official UN languages - Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian, and Spanish. The UN Toolkit on Synthetic Drugs supports the international community to implement comprehensive... | Evidence-Based Practices, Prevention, Research, Treatment |
| Universal Prevention Curriculum Substance Use (UPC) | Curriculum | UNIVERSAL PREVENTION CURRICULUM FOR SUBSTANCE USE (UPC) This training series provides implementers with an in-depth knowledge and skills related to content, structure, effective delivery, and... | |
| Universal Treatment Curriculum for Substance Use (UTC) | Curriculum | UTC Curriculum UNIVERSAL TREATMENT CURRICULUM FOR SUBSTANCE USE (UTC) Basic Level The Basic Level UTC consists of eight courses that cover the broad spectrum of... | |
| University World News | Website | University World News comprises a network of some five dozen education journalists based in more than two dozen countries, with representation in all regions. Their journalists... | |
| University-based academic programs in addiction studies in the regions of Australia and Aotearoa New Zealand: An overview | Journal Article | Authors: Amalie Lososová, Peter Adams, Michal Miovský This paper looks at the status of addiction study programs in Australia and New Zealand, and serves as an... | |
| UNODC data on drug use | Website | UNODC had created a website where you can create infographics and download data on drug use from many countries and regions of the world. | Research |
| UNODC Executive Summary: Impact of COVID-19 Policy Implications | Other | | Advocacy / Policy |
| UNODC Listen First | Website | UNODC developed these materials on parenting during the pandemic. They are designed to support parents under stress during the Covid 19 pandemic, but should be... | Prevention |
| UNODC Listen First | Video | A UNODC drug use prevention initiative that promotes the well-being of children and youth, their families and their communities. The three videos shared in... | Advocacy / Policy, Prevention |
| UNODC Report - Effects of COVID on Homicide and Property Crime - December 2020 | Pamphlet or Fact Sheet | | Research |
| UNODC WHO Normas internacionales para el tratamiento de trastornos por consumo de drogas | Reports | | Evidence-Based Practices |
| UNODC/WHO International Standards for the Treatment of Drug Use Disorders - Ukrainian Translation (Unofficial) | Brochure | International Standards for the Treatment of Drug Use Disorders (hereinafter referred to as the “Standards”) is the result of joint work of UNODC and WHO... | Program Implementation, Treatment |
| UNODC: What crime and helpline data say about the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on reported violence against women and girls | Pamphlet or Fact Sheet | | Research |
| UPC 1: Introduction to Prevention Science | Course | The Universal Prevention Curriculum for Substance Use aims to address the need for knowledgeable and competent professionals working in the prevention field. This training series... | Prevention, Research, Treatment |
| UPC 10: Introduction to the Universal Prevention Curriculum Series for Practitioners | Course | The Universal Prevention Curriculum for Substance Use aims to address the need for knowledgeable and competent professionals working in the prevention field. This training series... | Prevention, Research, Treatment |
| UPC 2: Physiology and Pharmacology for Prevention Professionals | Course | The Universal Prevention Curriculum for Substance Use aims to address the need for knowledgeable and competent professionals working in the prevention field. This training series... | Prevention, Research, Treatment |
| UPC 3: Monitoring and Evaluation of Prevention Interventions and Policies | Course | The Universal Prevention Curriculum for Substance Use aims to address the need for knowledgeable and competent professionals working in the prevention field. This training series... | Prevention, Research, Treatment |
| UPC 4: Family-based Prevention Interventions | Course | The Universal Prevention Curriculum for Substance Use aims to address the need for knowledgeable and competent professionals working in the prevention field. This training series... | Prevention, Research, Treatment |
| UPC 5: School-based Prevention Interventions | Course | The Universal Prevention Curriculum for Substance Use aims to address the need for knowledgeable and competent professionals working in the prevention field. This training series... | Prevention, Research, Treatment |
| UPC 6: Workplace-based Prevention Interventions | Course | The Universal Prevention Curriculum for Substance Use aims to address the need for knowledgeable and competent professionals working in the prevention field. This training series... | Prevention, Research, Treatment |
| UPC 7: Environment-based Prevention Interventions | Course | The Universal Prevention Curriculum for Substance Use aims to address the need for knowledgeable and competent professionals working in the prevention field. This training series... | Prevention, Research, Treatment |
| UPC 8: Media-based Prevention Interventions | Course | The Universal Prevention Curriculum for Substance Use aims to address the need for knowledgeable and competent professionals working in the prevention field. This training series... | Prevention, Research, Treatment |
| UPC 9: Community-based Prevention Implementation Systems | Course | The Universal Prevention Curriculum for Substance Use aims to address the need for knowledgeable and competent professionals working in the prevention field. This training series... | Prevention, Research, Treatment |
| Urdu translation and psychometric properties of WHO-Five Wellbeing Index among male patients with substance use disorders in Pakistan | Journal Article | The study aims to translate and adapt the WHO-Five Wellbeing Index (WHO-5) into the Urdu language and then determine its psychometric properties. | Research |
| Urine Drug Screening on Labor And Delivery | Journal Article | Substance use including opioids, methamphetamines, benzodiazepines, and barbiturates during pregnancy is harmful for the pregnant person and the fetus. Routine screening using validated questionnaires is... | Research |
| Use of Forensic Peer Recovery Specialists to Improve Outcomes | Webinar | Justin McNeal presents the importance of the peer recovery community. He also provides insight into his recommendation and implementation designs to allow for more successful... | Prevention |
| Using Standardized Client Simulations to Train Behavioral Health Providers: Advantages and Considerations | Reports | | Treatment |
| UTC 1: Introduction to the Science of Addiction | Course | Universal Treatment Curriculum (UTC) Self Led Course These trainings will provide you with a comprehensive overview of the nature of change and an understanding of... | Research |
| UTC 2: Continuum of Care for Addiction Professionals | Course | Universal Treatment Curriculum (UTC) Self Led Course These trainings will provide you with a comprehensive overview of the nature of change and an understanding of... | Treatment |
| UTC 3: Common Co-Occurring Mental and Medical Disorders | Course | Universal Treatment Curriculum (UTC) Self Led Course These trainings will provide you with a comprehensive overview of the nature of change and an understanding of... | Program Implementation, Treatment |
| UTC 4: Basic Counseling Skills for Addiction Professionals | Course | Universal Treatment Curriculum (UTC) Self Led Course These trainings will provide you with a comprehensive overview of the nature of change and an understanding of... | Program Implementation, Treatment |
| UTC 6: Case Management for Addiction Professionals | Course | Universal Treatment Curriculum (UTC) Self Led Course These trainings will provide you with a comprehensive overview of the nature of change and an understanding of... | Program Implementation, Treatment |
| UTC 7: Crisis Intervention for Addiction Professionals | Course | Universal Treatment Curriculum (UTC) Self Led Course These trainings will provide you with a comprehensive overview of the nature of change and an understanding of... | |
| UTC 8: Ethics for Addiction Professionals | Course | Universal Treatment Curriculum (UTC) Self Led Course These trainings will provide you with a comprehensive overview of the nature of change and an understanding of... | Treatment |
| UTC Academic Adaptation & Shift to Online Training | Course | 'UTC Academic Adaptation & the Shift to Online Training' Webinar: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sClgHfvye4U&feature=youtu.be | Case Study, Program Implementation |
| UTC training in Ukraine | Video | This video describes the project of training medical professionals in Ukraine on the universal treatment curriculum. It is in Ukrainian with English subtitles. | Treatment |
| Validation of Two Diagnostic Assessments for Opioid and Stimulant Use Disorder for Use by Non-Clinicians | Journal Article | Authors: Angela Di Paola, Ph.D., David Farabee, Ph.D., Sandra A. Springer, M.D. The United States is in the fourth wave of the opioid epidemic marked... | Research, Treatment |
| VCU Libraries Drugs and Alcohol: Open Access to Research | Website | This website provides access to a curated group of open access journals that focus on substance use issues. | Evaluation, Prevention, Program Implementation, Research, Treatment |
| Vital Signs: Progress Toward Eliminating HIV as a Global Public Health Threat Through Scale-Up of Antiretroviral Therapy and Health System Strengthening Supported by the U.S. President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief — Worldwide, 2004–2022 | Reports | Since 2004, PEPFAR has scaled up effective ART to approximately 20 million persons with HIV infection in 54 countries. To eliminate HIV as a global... | Advocacy / Policy, Evidence-Based Practices, Program Implementation, Treatment |
| WashU, pharmacy scientists alter fentanyl, aim to make it less lethal, less addictive | Other | | Research |
| Webinar on accrediting university addiction counselor education programs | Video | In this session, the presenters will review/discuss: * NAADAC’s work to create higher education standards in substance use education * Development of standards * Overview... | Evaluation, Program Implementation, Treatment |
| What features of drug treatment programs help, or not, with access? a qualitative study of the perspectives of family members and community-based organization staff in Atlantic Canada | Journal Article | Author: Holly Mathias, Lois A. Jackson, Jane A. Buxton, Anik Dubé, Niki Kiepek, Fiona Martin & Paula Martin This article discusses access to treatment programs from the perspective of family members. | Evidence-Based Practices, Treatment |
| What’s Trending: Youth Prescription Drug Misuse | Pamphlet or Fact Sheet | This is a part of CADCA's "What's Trending" pamphlet series. | Prevention |
| WHO Global Index Medicus (GIM) | Website | From site: "The Global Index Medicus provides universal access to biomedical and public health literature produced by and within low-middle income countries. The main objective... | Advocacy / Policy, Evaluation, Prevention, Program Implementation, Research, Treatment |
| Why We Lead: Understanding and Supporting the Leadership of AANHPI Girls and Gender Expansive Youth - Report and Youth-Led Policy Recommendations | Reports | This report, through Girls Leadership, Evaluation Studio, and the Girl's Leadership Youth Research Council (YRC), examines leadership aspirations among Asian-American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander... | Advocacy / Policy, Prevention |
| Women and Alcohol | Print Media (i.e. newsletter or bulletin) | Informational sheet based on research about women and consumption of alcohol. | Prevention, Research |
| Women and Smoking Seminar | Course | While men are currently more likely to smoke than women, this sex/gender gap is narrowing globally. This is especially concerning given that compared to men,... | Research, Treatment |
| Women Imprisoned with Substance Use Disorders: The Treatment Rehabilitation Services Agenda | Other | | Treatment |
| Women's Health in Focus at NIH | Journal Article | On International Women’s Day, March 8, 2023, the Economist Impact organization released a white paper titled Sex, Gender and the Brain: Towards an Inclusive Research... | Case Study, Research, Treatment |
| Workforce outcomes among substance use peer supports and their contextual determinants: A scoping review protocol | Journal Article | Authors: Justin S. Bell, Tina Griffin, Sierra Castedo de Martell, Emma Sophia Kay, Mary Hawk, Michelle Hudson, Bradley Ray, and Dennis P. Watson This article outlines... | Treatment |
| World Drug Report 2022 | Website | Consisting of five separate booklets, the World Drug Report 2022 provides an in-depth analysis of global drug markets and examines the nexus between drugs and... | Advocacy / Policy, Case Study, Research |
| World Mental Health International College Student Project | Presentation Slides | World Health Org World Mental Health Intl College Student initiative is aimed at developing and implementing a system for improving prevention and early interventions for... | Prevention |
| World Report in regard to drug trafficking | Pamphlet or Fact Sheet | | Research |
| Xylazine effects on opioid-induced brain hypoxia | Video | Xylazine has emerged in recent years as an adulterant in an increasing number of opioid-positive overdose deaths in the United States. Although its exact role... | Case Study, Prevention, Research |